- Created by admin, last modified by AdrianC on Nov 15, 2017
This information applies to MYOB AccountRight version 19. For later versions, see our help centre.
AccountRight Plus, Premier and Enterprise, Australia only
Recording and paying superannuation contributions to multiple superannuation funds for employees is achieved by setting up an employee card for each of their funds.
The Superannuation Guarantee contribution and Salary Sacrifice Superannuation amounts applicable for the pay period are then split between pays for each card, and between the two funds. The contributions will also then be reported as split between the multiple funds for easy identification and payment.
Setting up your company file
Only one superannuation fund can be specified for each employee card, so an employee will require a separate card for each of their superannuation funds. Assuming Alan Long wants his Superannuation Guarantee contribution and Salary Sacrifice Superannuation split between two different super funds, he will need to have two employee cards set up for him; each employee card can then be linked to a different Superannuation fund.
If you're paying super contributions using the MYOB super portal, make sure both employee cards contain the following information:
- each super fund's USI and Fund Employer Number (if the fund has given you a number)
- the employee's Tax File Number
- super fund membership number
- the employee's address
- the employee's name
- the employee's phone number
For more details see Things to do before your first upload.
If the employee is an existing employee, one of the two superannuation funds will need to be linked to their existing card as follows:
- Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List.
- Click the Employee tab and click the zoom arrow for the employee in question.
- Click the Payroll Details tab and click Superannuation along the left of the window.
- Click the Superannuation Fund selection arrow, select the appropriate fund and click Use Fund. If the fund in question doesn't appear in the list, click New to add the fund.
- Enter the employee's fund membership number in the Employee Membership # field.
- If you pay super contributions using the MYOB super portal, ensure all other required information is entered (see above).
This card, which would normally have the entire employee information entered against it, will be referred to as the Primary card.
A second employee card will then need to be created for Alan Long. To create a new card:
- From the Employee tab of the Card List click New.
- Enter the employee's details in the Profile tab. When entering the employee's name, change it slightly so this card can be identified in the Process Pays selection list. Note: Many superannuation funds require the name of the employee to be clearly and easily identifiable for matching contributions made for the employee. By putting a middle initial for the second of card, we have two cards with different, yet easily identifiable, names.
- Click the Payroll Details tab, then click Superannuation and select the second superannuation fund from the list. You can create a new fund by clicking the New button.
- Enter an Employee Membership # for this superannuation fund.
- If you pay super contributions using the MYOB super portal, ensure all other required information is entered (see above).
- Click OK to close the card. This card will be referred to as the employee's Secondary card
Setting up new superannuation categories
Next, you will need to create two Superannuation categories, one for the Superannuation Guarantee contribution amounts and another for the Salary Sacrifice Superannuation amounts. There's probably already a Superannuation Guarantee contribution category setup, so you can simply use this category; you don't need to create a new one.
In summary, we'll need to create the following payroll categories:
(Primary Card)
- Superannuation Guarantee contribution - Superannuation type
- Salary Sacrifice - Deduction type
(Secondary Card)
- Salary Sacrifice wage split - Wages type
- Salary Sacrifice - Superannuation type
The Superannuation Guarantee category probably already exists in your company file. Here's how you can check, and create it if it doesn't exist.
- Go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories.
- Click the Superannuation tab.
- If the Superannuation Guarantee category already exists, skip to Task 2 (Create a superannuation holding account) below.
- If the Superannuation Guarantee category doesn't exist click New.
- In Superannuation Name, enter 'Superannuation Guarantee' or similar.
- In Linked Expense Account and Linked Payable Account select relevant accounts such as 'Superannuation Expense' and 'Superannuation Payable'.
- Select the Contribution Type as 'Superannuation Guarantee (expense)'.
- Set the Calculation Basis to 'Equals 9.5% of Gross Wages' and set the Limit to 'No Limit'.
- Set the Threshold to the current lower limit of $450.00.
- Click Employee and select the relevant employee card only (The Primary Employee Card).
- Click Exempt and select any wage categories you do not want the Superannuation Guarantee contribution to be calculated on.
- Click OK to save this new category. An example is shown below:
The Superannuation Holding account is a new account that is required to hold superannuation amounts from the Primary Card and transfer it to the Secondary Card. To create this account:
- Go to the Accounts command centre and click Accounts List.
- Click the Asset tab.
- Click New.
- Set the Account Type as Other Asset.
- Specify an Account Number that is currently not used and suits your account list.
- In the Account Name type 'Salary Sacrifice Holding' then click OK. An example is shown below:
- Go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories.
- Click the Deductions tab then click New.
- In the Deduction Name, enter 'Salary Sacrifice - Split' or similar.
- In the Linked Payable Account select the 'Salary Sacrifice Holding' account created above. A message will be displayed regarding the account type you have selected. Disregard this message (click OK if required).
- In the Calculation Basis of the deduction category, enter the amount. In this example, Alan Long wants to sacrifice $50 every pay in to Superannuation, so we will enter '$50 per pay period' as the calculation basis. Note: The Calculation Basis can also be set to a percentage or user-entered amount if so required.
- Set the Limit to 'No Limit'.
- Click Employee and select the relevant employee card only (The Primary Employee Card).
- Click Exempt and select PAYG Withholding so the deduction will not be subject to PAYG and the PAYG will be the appropriate amount.
- Click OK to save this new category. An example is shown below:
- Go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories.
- Click the Wages tab then click New.
- In the Wages Name, enter 'Salary Sacrifice wage split' or similar.
- Select the Type of Wages as 'Salary'.
- In the Optional Account, select this option and select the 'Salary Sacrifice Holding' account created earlier. A message will be displayed about the type of account you selected. Disregard this warning (click OK if required).
- Click Employee and select the relevant employee card only (The Secondary Employee Card).
- Click OK.
- Click the Exempt button and ensure the PAYG Withholding category is NOT selected.
- Click OK.
- Click OK to save this new category. An example is shown below.
A salary sacrifice superannuation category probably already exists in your company file so you can modify this one to suit your needs, or create a new one.
- Go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories.
- Click the Superannuation tab.
- If you want to modify the existing salary sacrifice category, click the zoom arrow to open this category.
- If you want to create a new salary sacrifice category, click New.
- In Superannuation Name, enter 'Salary Sacrifice' or similar.
- In the Linked Payable Account select the 'Superannuation Payable' account.
- Select the Contribution Type as 'Salary Sacrifice (deduction)'.
- Set the Calculation Basis to 'Equals 100% of Salary Sacrifice wage split' and set the Limit to 'No Limit'.
- Set the Threshold to the current lower limit of $0.00.
- Click Employee and select the relevant employee card only (The Secondary Employee Card).
- Click OK to save this new category. An example is shown below:
As shown in the example below, you will notice that when paying the primary card, there is a deduction for $50 that will be transferred to the Secondary card (Alan J Long) for the Salary Sacrifice Superannuation amount.
When you open the pay transaction for the secondary card, you will find that it appears as a 'blank' pay, with no amounts automatically filled out:
You need to enter $50 against the 'Salary Sacrifice wage split' category. This will automatically post -$50 to the 'Salary Sacrifice' superannuation category, resulting in a Net Pay of $0. There will be no amounts posted against the Base Salary or PAYG Withholding categories
When you click Record to record this pay, a message prompting to Void the pay will appear. Click OK to this message.
Using the MYOB super portal? You'll now be able to create a contribution file containing contributions to both of the employee's super funds. See Prepare Super Payments for help.
The first time you upload a contribution file containing payments for both of the employee's super funds, the super portal will identify that there are similar member details in the file. To pay both funds for the same employee you'll need to create a new account as follows:
- Click the arrow to the right of the screen.
- Click into any field under Your uploaded data then click Create New Account.
- Continue the review process and deal with any Member Matching Exceptions as usual. When the following warning displays, click Continue.
- Continue processing the super payments as usual.
The next time you upload a contribution file containing payments for both of the employee's super funds, you will be able to process the contributions as usual.
There are superannuation reports which display this information:
- In any command centre, click Reports (along the bottom of the window) then choose Payroll.
- Click to highlight the Accrual by Fund Summary report (under the Superannuation sub-heading).
- Click Advanced (or Customise in other versions).
- Filter the report for the required Super Funds and Date Range as required.
- Click Run Report (or Display in other versions).
This report will show the Superannuation Guarantee contribution amounts separated by fund for each employee for the filtered date range. You could also view the Accrual by Category and Accrual by Fund Detail reports to see the Superannuation Guarantee contribution amounts accrued by each employee.
You will only include the Primary employee card when printing your Payment Summaries and creating the EMPDUPE file. This will mean at Step 3 of the Payment Summary Assistant, under the Gross Payments section, select the 'Salary Sacrifice - Split' category but do NOT select the 'Salary Sacrifice wage split' category.