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Error: "Backup NOT completed"


The most common reasons a "Backup NOT completed" error can occur are:

  • your Payroll Name contains asterisks, or
  • the location you're saving the backup file is not accessible.

Let's step through both these scenarios to fix your issue:


1. Check your Payroll Name

Here's an example of a Payroll file name with asterisks:

If your file name has asterisks, here's how to change it.

  1. In Payroll, go to the Tools menu and choose Options.
  2. Remove the asterisks from the Payroll Name. If your Payroll Name doesn't contain asterisks, skip to task 2 below (Check your backup destination).
  3. Also remove the asterisks from the Trade Name if they are not necessary, although these will not affect the backup process.
  4. Click OK.

You will now be able to successfully backup Payroll.

2. Check the backup destination

A payroll backup can fail if there are permission restrictions on the destination where the backup is being saved. To fix this, make sure this location or folder is not set to read only and that you have full control access. If you're not sure how to do this, you might need help from an IT person.

Alternatively, you can change the backup destination to a folder where you have full access, for example the Documents folder or your Desktop.

The payroll backup can also fail if MYOB Payroll can't write to the file path selected. For example, if you're saving to a USB stick and the USB is not plugged in or is corrupt.

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