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Error: "OLE Error Code 0X80040154 - Class not registered"


This error is caused by a corrupt file on your computer. Follow the instructions below to fix this error.


To download and run the register.bat file
  1. Close Payroll.
  2. To determine whether you're using a 32- or 64-bit version of Windows, simultaneously press the Windows and Pause keys on your keyboard.
    Alternatively, click Start > Settings > System > About.
    The displayed window will tell you whether your Windows version is 32- or 64-bit.

  3. Right-click the appropriate file and save it to your Desktop.

    • If your Windows version is 32-bit, use the register32.bat file.

    • If your Windows version is 64-bit, use the register64.bat file.

  4. Right-click the downloaded file and choose Run as administrator.
  5. At the prompt, press any key to continue.

    MS DOS

  6. When the process is finished, close the two open windows.

  7. Restart your computer. You will be able to now successfully activate Payroll.



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