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Error: "Dynamic Loading Run Time Engine has stopped working" when generating reports in Accounts

This support note applies to:

  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 34262

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Accounts, when you print reports from the Reports menu such as a General Ledger or Trial Balance report, you may experience the error "Dynamic Loading Run Time Engine has stopped working".

This issue can occur where:

  • the ceedata.ini file is missing from the Windows directory
  • there are UNC paths (e.g. \\ServerName\S6System\MYOB\bin) for the PROGRAM_DIR, PROTO_DIR, CPATH and CHOME locations in the ceedata.ini file.
  • Data Execution Prevention (DEP) settings is turned on for all programs and services.
This information refers to the error being experienced producing reports outside of Reporter.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Perform aRunning a Contacts or Client Compliance workstation setup.
  2. If the issue still persists, copy the ceedata.ini file from a working workstation to the affected machine. The ceedata.ini file can be found in the following directories:

    Network or Operating System


    Windows 8


    Windows 10


    Terminal Server - users copy


    Terminal Server - server copy


  3. Check your DEP settings are set to "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only". For more details refer to Establishing Data Execution Prevention (DEP) settings



If replacing or editing the Ceedata.ini file is not successful, ensure they are replacing the correct ceedata.ini file that is being used by the application.

 The location of the user's ceedata.ini file may vary on a Terminal Server. For example, instead of residing in C:\Users\<UserName>\Windows it may instead reside in the X:\<UserName>\Windows folder.

If you're having issues finding the correct ceedata.ini file:

Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to This PC. In the Search This PC field on the top right of the window, type ceedata.ini. It may take a few minutes before the search completes.

To confirm the file is being used by the system:


Open the Ceedata.ini file - test 1 at a time - and amend the CHOME line to have a false location.

If the system is using this file, when you attempt to open AE Accounts, you get the error "Can't open <path>\cds.dir" where the path in the error is the location you entered into the CHOME line.

Ensure the ceedata.ini file contains mapped drive locations only for the bin, proto, lib and CHOME locations. For example:



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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.