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Error: "The Contacts path does not exist on your system"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 28515

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) you may experience the error "Contacts Error. The Contacts path does not exist on your system. Please ensure that it has been configured correctly" when attempting to launch the applications Client Compliance, Tax, FBT, BAS, or Accounts.

The error message can occur for all users if the Contacts path has been configured incorrectly within AE Practice Manager (AE PM) in the menu path: Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration.

The error message can occur for one or more users if the drive where Contacts resides does not exist or is mapped incorrectly.

To check Configuration

Perform the following steps in AE PM.

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration. The Maintenance - Configuration page appears.
  2. For the Key Name Sol6 Contact Path, ensure the path in the Key Value field is in the form of: <installation directory>\bin\Contacts.exe for example S:\MYOB\bin\Contacts.exe.
  3. If the path is incorrect, type the correct path name and click OK.

    If you make any changes, you need to exit AE PM and re-open for the changes to take effect.
To check drive mapping

The drive location identified at step 2 above must be mapped on each workstation that needs to launch Compliance modules, and must be mapped correctly.

The following instructions use the example of drive S:\ mapped to the share 'apps' on the machine 'server'. Please refer to your IT consultant if you have any questions regarding the mapping of drives on your network.
  1. At your Windows desktop, right-click Start and select Explore. Windows Explorer opens with a list of drives appears in the left-hand pane.
  2. If the drive S appears with an incorrect mapping, select the S drive and then from the Tools menu, select Disconnect Network Drive. If the drive S does not appear, from the Tools menu, select Map Network Drive. The Map Network Drive screen appears.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow on the Drive field. Lists of drive letters that are connected to the various share names for the workstation appear.
  4. Select the S:\ drive and click the drop-down arrow on the Folder field. A list of network paths previously used appears.
  5. Select the network path \\SERVER\apps. The network path appears in the Folder field.
  6. If the correct network path does not appear, select the Browse button to locate the server and share name. The Browse For Folder screen appears.
  7. Locate the server and share name apps and click OK. The network path now appears in the Folder field.
  8. Click Finish. The S:\ drive is now mapped to apps on server.
If the drive is mapped and accessible from the affected workstation, see Enabling Linked Connections in Windows
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.