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Error: "No Valid Time Processing Period" when creating an Estimate or Miscellaneous Charge

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 25568

If you get the error "No Valid Time Processing Period" when creating an Estimate to Complete and or a Miscellaneous Charge you'll need to review the following tasks:

1. Check for a valid time processing period

You'll need to check that there is a valid Time Processing Period set up. For example, if the month is July and you are back dating your bill to June, the Miscellaneous Charge and or Estimate to Complete will default to the current days date, so ensure you have setup the new accounting year.

For detailed steps refer to:

2. Check the employee has a valid time processing period
  1. Open the employee and go to the Timesheets tab.
  2. Select the relevant Time Processing Category, for example Daily.

    The category selected will depend on what your practice uses and the time processing category added to each month in Maintenance > Time Setup > Processing Time Setup.



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