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Configuring your Firewall or Proxy for MYOB AE/AO

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax (NZ)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 36833

Many MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and Accountants Office (AO) components connect to MYOB services on the internet. Some of the components that require internet access include, but are not limited to:

  • MYOB Logins
  • MYOB AE/AO Live (MYOB Portal)
  • Assets Live
  • AE/AO Ledger
  • Tax Lodgment services using PLS

These components also have a number of services that require internet access.

To configure your MYOB applications to use your proxy and access through your firewall, you will need to perform the following tasks:

The following process may require you to configure your Internet Proxy and or your Firewall Server. If you do not know how to configure the Internet Proxy and or your Firewall Server you will need to provide this information to your IT Consultant as this is outside the scope of your MYOB Service Agreement.
1. Prepare your ProxyServer configuration information

In order to configure your MYOB applications to use your proxy server to allow access to the internet, you'll need to prepare some configuration information. This information is copied into various configuration files.

  1. Copy the following text (in italics) into to a text document (such as a new text document with Windows Notepad). You'll then need to make the necessary changes so that you can copy this information into the various configuration files.

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
    <proxy proxyaddress="http://PROXY-ADDRESS:PORT" bypassonlocal="True" />

  2. Change http://PROXY-ADDRESS:PORT to reflect your correct proxy server. For example, if your proxy operates on port 8081 and is called "", then you would enter
2. Configure the MYOB software to use your Proxy Server

If you are using AE/AO version 5.4.25 or later:

You'll need to modify the Proxy.config file as follows:

If you already have the below info in your proxy.config file, you won't need to do the following steps. Skip to Task 3.

  1. Copy the text you created in the section "Prepare your Proxy Server configuration information" from above.

    Only copy from the line which reads <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"> and ends with the line </defaultProxy>. See example below.


    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
    <proxy proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="True" />

  2. Locate your Proxy.config file, then right click on the file and choose Edit. This file is commonly found in the following locations:

    SuiteLocation of Proxy.config
    Accountants Enterprise (AE)


    Accountants Office (AO)\\SERVER\AONET\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Central\Deploy
  3. Highlight all text in Proxy.config file then paste the text you have copied. This will replace the existing text. Once completed, save and close the Proxy.config file. When completed, the file should contain only the information (as per the example) above. No other line should exist.

  4. Perform a workstation install on each workstation to update local Deploy folder.

If you are using AE/AO version 5.4.24 or earlier:

You'll need to modify the ClientFrameWork.exe.config file as follows:

  1. Copy the text you created in the section "Prepare your Proxy Server configuration information" from above. For example:

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
    <proxy proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="True" />

  2. Locate your ClientFrameWork.exe.config file, then right click on the file and choose Edit. This file is commonly found in the following locations:

    SuiteLocation of ClientFrameWork.exe.config
    Accountants Enterprise (AE)


    Accountants Office (AO)\\SERVER\AONET\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Central\Deploy
  3. Go to the bottom of the file and locate the following text:


  4. Place your cursor at the start of this line - then press the ENTER key on the keyboard to create a new line.

  5. Paste the text from step 1 into the blank line you've created - ensuring that the </configuration> is now on a new line at the end.

  6. Save and close the ClientFrameWork.exe.config file when complete.

3. Configure MYOB PLS Service (SBR Sender) to use your Proxy Server

To ensure you can use PLS for Lodgment to the Australian Tax Office (ATO), you will need to make changes to the configuration file for the MYOB PLS Service (SBR Sender).

On your SQL Server, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\SBRSender\Server\Service\DATABASE. Where "DATABASE" is the name of your database - such as AODB1, AEDB1, VPMSER etc.

If you're using AE/AO Tax version 2017.3 or later

  1. Copy the text you created in the section "Prepare your Proxy Server configuration information" from above.

    Only copy from the line which reads <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"> and ends with the line </defaultProxy>. See example below.

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
    <proxy proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="True" />

  2. Locate the Proxy.config file, then right click on the file and choose Edit.

  3. Highlight all text in the file, and paste the text you have copied. This will replace the existing text.

  4. Once completed, save and close the Proxy.config file. When completed, the file should contain only the information (as per the example) above. No other line should exist.

    This Proxy.config file is in a different location to the Proxy.config file in Task 1. If you're lodging via PLS, you'll need to ensure the above proxy server information exist in both files.

If you're using AE/AO Tax version 2017.2 or earlier

  1. At the bottom of the MYOB.Tax.Sbr.Sender.Server.HostService.exe.Config, start a new line and add the following:


  2. Copy the text you created in the section "Prepare your Proxy Server configuration information" and paste the text at the bottom of the file, ensuring that the text begins on a new line.
  3. At the bottom of the file (below the text you have just copied), start a new line, and add the following:


  4. Save and close the MYOB.Tax.Sbr.SbrSender.Server.HostService.exe.Config file when complete.
  5. Restart the MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server service in Services.msc. For details refer to Restarting the MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server
4. Configure MYOB OnTheGo to use your Proxy Server

To ensure you can use the MYOB Live Services, such as AE/AO Live, you will need to make changes to the configuration file for the MYOB OnTheGo API Service as follows.

  1. On your SQL Server, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\OntheGoPremise
  2. Locate the CloudBurst.Premise.ConsoleHost.exe.Config file, then right click on the file and choose Edit.
  3. Copy the text you created in the section "Prepare your Proxy Server configuration information" from above. For example:

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
    <proxy proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="True" />

  4. Go to the bottom of the file, and locate the following text:


  5. Place your cursor at the start of this line - then press the ENTER key on the keyboard to create a new line. 

  6. Paste the text from step 1 into the blank line you've created, ensuring that the </configuration> is now on a new line at the end.

  7. Save and close the CloudBurst.Premise.ConsoleHost.exe.Config file when complete.

  8. Restart the MYOB OnTheGo API Service service in Services.msc. For information on restarting this service, refer to Restarting MYOB services

5. Configure your Internet Proxy and/or Firewall Server

Configure your Internet Proxy and/or your Firewall Server to allow all users (as well as service accounts for MYOB services) to have unrestricted access to the following sites for both the HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) protocols:


We recommend that you allow unrestricted access to * through your firewall.

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