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"Save with Contacts Send To" option missing from the "Send To" menu

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33689

When selecting a Word document, PDF document or Excel spreadsheet and using the right-click menu to 'Send To', you may find the Save with Contact Send To option is missing.

To resolve this issue, copy the shortcut file VPMSaveWithContactsSendTo from a workstation that can access the menu option, to the workstation missing this menu.

To copy the VPMSaveWithContactsSendTo file
  1. From the workstation where the Send To option is available, right-click on the Windows Start button (
    ) and choose Run.
  2. In the Open field, type %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Send To and click OK. The C:\Users\<UserName>\Appdata\Roaming folder appears.

    If you're not logged into Windows as the user with the Send To option available (for example, if you're logged on as an Administrator), use file explorer to navigate to C:\Users\<UserName>\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Send To where <UserName> is the Windows username of the user with the Send To option available.

  3. From within the Send To folder, right-click on VPMSaveWithContactsSendTo (which is a shortcut file) and choose Copy.

  4. Navigate to a shared folder location on the network that can be accessed from the problem workstation. For example, the mapped drive where your SOL64 or MYOBAE folder is (e.g X:\SOL64 or X:\MYOBAE)
  5. Right-click on an empty space in the folder and choose Paste.
  6. Log onto the problem workstation and copy the VPMSaveWithContactsSendTo file from the saved location at step 4, into the %AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Send To folder for the user having the issue.




SR# 11653056070

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