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Accountants Enterprise only

You can customise the homepage area to display and quickly access information to suit the way you work. There are four My Homepage views:

  • WIP + Debt — displays the graphs for Aged WIP and Aged Debt along with the Top 10 WIP and Top 10 Debtors.

  • Manager Tools — displays the Employee Budget, Employee Budget Analysis and Productivity.

  • Approvals — displays the WIP Approvals.

  • My Work — displays the To Do items for work assigned to you.

You can customise your My Homepage views to:

  • change the information displayed on each of the My Homepage views.

  • rename the view to make it more meaningful to the options you choose to display on it.

Customisation does not apply to standard homepage views.

To customise a My Homepage view
  1. Select a homepage from Home on the toolbar. Your homepage opens.
  2. Click Customise homepage on the Tasks bar. The Toolbox opens.
  3. Drag a view option from the Toolbox to the content area. The selected option opens.
  4. Repeat Step 3. for each option you want to add to your new My Homepage view.

    Any changes made to the views while the Toolbox is open are saved and displayed every time the homepage is accessed. Changes include display options and data filters.

    If you want to change a view later without opening the Toolbox, make the changes required, then click Save homepage on the Tasks bar.

  5. Resize and move the option window in the normal Windows way.
  6. To remove an option window from the customised homepage, click .
  7. To rename your customised homepage:
    1. Click the homepage on the Tasks bar under My Homepages. The Rename View window opens.
    2. Change the name of the view to something more meaningful to you (e.g., Employee Analysis).
    3. Click OK or press [Enter] to save the new name. The name of your homepage is changed.
  8. Click  on the Toolbox. This saves your selection for the view and exits the Customise homepage mode.
  9. Repeat Step 2. to Step 8. for each view you want to customise.

  10. Click Home on the toolbar. Your customised homepage opens and its name is added to your list of My Homepage views on the Tasks bar.

  11. Select other views to see the options you selected.

    What you see when you select an option in the Toolbox is limited by your security access permissions — you may see only blank windows if you have only limited access. The system administrator sets up security access permissions (see Employee group security).