Child pages
  • Subscription details

The Subscription details page, in the Settings menu, displays the details of the MYOB Essentials Cashbook subscription for the specific business. It displays the status of your subscription (both the free trial period and the paid subscription), the duration, and the date of the next billing cycle.

You can cancel your subscription from this page, by clicking on the Cancel Subscription button.

Every cashbook comes with a 30-day free trial. At the end of the trial, we’ll start deducting a subscription fee from your selected payment method.  You will only be billed at the start of your normal billing cycle ( for most clients monthly), and the first payment will be pro-rated for the any remaining free period. Thereafter, we’ll continue to renew your subscription and deduct the fee, until you cancel your subscription.

Remember that you can cancel the subscription at any time. If you cancel it before the trial period is up, we won’t charge you at all.

To cancel a subscription x

  1. Open the Subscription details page:
    1. Open the cashbook for the specific client business.
    2. Go to Settings> Subscription details.
  2. Ciick  Cancel Subscription. A warning message appears.

    1. If you want the cancelled cashbook to continue to appear in the My Cashbooks list, click the Show business? toggle button so that it changes to ON.

  3. To proceed to cancel the subscription, click Yes, Cancel subscription. Your request will be activated on the next billing cycle.