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Exception report when closing a period (AO)

Accountants Office Practice Manager

In MYOB Practice Manager, you cannot close off an accounting period if there are any unposted entries such as bills for the period you are attempting to close.  

If there are unposted entries, an Exception Report displays listing the entries preventing closure.

Client Bills

Client bills display the client name and the invoice date

If an invoice was created in a particular month, for example created date is January, but the Invoice Date is February, and you are trying to close off January, you will need to post or delete these entries before closing

To check for unposted bills
  1. In AE, follow the menu path Billing > Draft Bills. The Draft Bill screen appears.

  2. Click Draft Date and enter the required dates for the month you are closing and click Search.

  3. Review the entries by clicking the Draft No on each line to open the invoice/bill and either authorise and post the bill, re-date the entry to the following month if still required (if not a Miscellanous Charge or Estimate bill) or delete the entry

    Any Miscellaneous Charge bills or Estimate to Complete bills reported on the Exception Report must be either finalised in the month you're closing or deleted and then recreated in the following month if still required.

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