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If you make a mistake on a form that you've already lodged to ASIC, you can lodge an amendment by preparing and lodging a form 492 - Request for correction or 902 - Notification of supplementary information.

The form you need to lodge depends on whether you, your client or ASIC are requesting the amendment.

Form 492 - Request for correction

Use this form if you or your client has found a mistake on the form, and want to notify ASIC to correct the mistake.

Form 902 - Notification of supplementary information

Use this form if ASIC is asking the company to make a correction to the lodged form.

To prepare a form 492
  1. Select your client from the client sidebar.
  2. Click Corporate admin on the top menu bar and click Company forms on the top-right of the page.
  3. In the list of Company forms list, click Prepare form to the right of the appropriate form.
  4. Enter the following information in each of the relevant fields:

    Select clientThe client selected at step 1 is selected by default. Enter the name of a different client or select from the drop-down.
    Select the document to amendSelect a previously lodged document to amend, or click Add previously lodged document and enter the details.
    Details of correction

    Enter the details of what needs to be corrected.

  5. Under Signatory details, select the signing officer and signing date.

  6. Click Create forms.
  7. Click the ellipsis button for the form you created and choose Send for signing via portal. The Create task page appears.

  8. Complete the details on the page.

    When you select the client, you can see the documents that will be sent as part of the change you've made. Use the Signature required option to indicate if any documents need signing.

  9. Click Create task for the selected client.
To prepare a form 902
  1. Select your client from the client sidebar.
  2. Click Corporate admin on the top menu bar and click Company forms on the top-right of the page.
  3. In the list of Company forms list, click Prepare form to the right of the appropriate form.
  4. Enter the following information in each of the relevant fields:

    Select clientThe client selected at step 1 is selected by default. Enter the name of a different client or select from the drop-down.
    Select the document to amendEnter the document number of the form you want to amend.
    Details of amendment

    Enter the details of what needs to be corrected.

  5. Under Signatory details, select the signing officer and signing date.

  6. Click Create forms.
  7. Click the ellipsis button for the form you created and choose Send for signing via portal. The Create task page appears.
  8. Complete the details on the page.

    When you select the client, you can see the documents that will be sent as part of the change you've made. Use the Signature required option to indicate if any documents need signing.

  9. Click Create task for the selected client.