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Australian Government Pensions and Allowances worksheet (agp)

This worksheet (agp) provides data entry fields for Government pensions and allowances received from Centrelink and/or the Department of Veteran affairs. The worksheet is separated into two sections:

The first section contains fields for the user to enter details which will be integrated to the labels in the main return. These are:

  • A description of the pension or allowance received
  • Any tax withheld from that payment
  • The gross amount of that payment.

The second section contains fields for pre-filling of data downloaded from the Tax Agent’s portal where the Pre-fill option is selected:

MessageIf the ATO report contains messages for the taxpayer, they will be displayed here.
Payment typeThis is the description of the payment made either by Centrelink or Veterans’ Affairs
Tax exemptAmounts entered in this column are not assessable income and are for advisory purposes and required to be included in the taxpayer’s spouse’s details as any exempt pension received by the spouse will affect the calculation of any Unused portion available to be transferred from the spouse to the taxpayer.
Tax withheldAny tax withheld on the payment will be displayed in this column.
Taxable IncomeThe assessable amount of the payment will be displayed in this column.
If you have previously entered details in the first half of the worksheet and then decide to rely on the Portal pre-filled amounts, then you will need to delete the details in the first half of the worksheet to avoid duplication and overstatement of income.

Tax Pre-fill

This schedule can be pre-filled using the Pre-fill Manager. The Pre-fill Manager enables you to download pre-fill reports for clients using the Practitioner Lodgment Service (PLS). You can view these reports in PDF format, and populate the pre-fill information into the client's Tax return.

For more information on pre-filling, see Pre-fill manager.

Tax Pre-fill is dependant on available ATO data. Validate the Tax return by pressing [F3] for a list of the imported values and any errors before lodgment. If you are not using the new Pre-fill Manager functionality but are downloading the old ATO-Pre-fill from the Tax Agents Portal (TAP), note the following:

Other Items affected by the Pre-fill report for item 6:

The data contained in the pre-fill report concerning Australian Government Pensions and Allowances is not only for Item 6. Some entries may be for Emergency payments which are to be declared at the Other income item. The Pre-fill import program will transfer those to item 24 Other income. Remote area Allowances payments will be transferred to Item T4 to form part of the calculation for the Zone Rebate.

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