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Why don’t my IR reports match myIR?

For payday filing, pays are reported to IR based on the physical payment date, not the pay period end date.

To ensure your MYOB Payroll IR reports, like the IR345, match what's in myIR, make sure the Physical Payment Date falls within the Current PAYE Period.

If it doesn’t (as shown below), click Cancel and update the PAYE Period before finalising.

To update the PAYE Period
  1. Go to the Process Pays command centre and click Change PAYE Period.
  2. Update the PAYE Period and click OK.
  3. When prompted to reverse the PAYE period, click No.

When updating the PAYE period, you'll be prompted to print an IR345 & IR348. Under payday filing these are no longer required to be submitted to IR but may be useful for your records.

The Physical Payment Date will now fall within the PAYE Period so you can finalise the pay as normal.


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