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With online payments, there are no setup or cancellation fees. There's just a transaction fee that will apply to all payments made online.

Choose your country to see the transaction fees and other possible charges.

I'm in Australia

Transaction fee: $0.25 per transaction + 1.8% of the invoice value. You can pass on the 1.8% to your customers through surcharging, excluding BPAY.

The total of your transaction fees will be added to your MYOB monthly subscription bill. You can also view, download, and pay your MYOB subscription bills at

Other charges

You might also incur other charges if you’ve received a chargeback or dishonour notice. These charges include:

  • Chargeback fee: $33 per chargeback. This fee will be incurred regardless of chargeback outcome.
  • Direct debit dishonour: $10.00. A dishonour fee is issued if we are unable to debit applicable fees or charges from your bank account. Check your balance regularly to ensure there are enough cleared funds in your account.
  • Trace request fee: $10.00. This fee is charged for each customer transaction that you want to trace.



Can I charge a fee for payments made using online payments?

You can pass on the 1.8% surcharge to customers who pay their invoices online with a debit or credit card. Find out more.

I'm in New Zealand

Transaction fee: $0.25 per transaction + 2.7% of the invoice value. You can pass on the 2.7% to your customers through surcharging.

When the sale happens, the transaction fees are debited. If you surcharge and there's GST on the invoice, GST will also be applied to the surcharge. The GST on the surcharge will be paid to your bank account and be shown in Reports > GST report > Purchases and expenses. The transaction will be shown under the MYOB account you've nominated for recording merchant fees.

Other charges

You might also incur other charges if you’ve received a chargeback or dishonour notice. These charges include:

  • Chargeback fee: $25 per chargeback. This fee will be incurred regardless of chargeback outcome.
  • Direct debit dishonour: $2.50. A dishonour fee is issued if we're unable to debit applicable fees or charges from your bank account. Check your balance regularly to ensure there are enough cleared funds in your account.