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Statutory Reporter Formats—version 19 New Zealand

Release date—31 October 2019


Release notes

Things we've fixed:

Statement of profit or loss
  • An income subtotal and total was printing when there was Other income but no Sales income. Now the total income will only print if there is Other income and Sales income.
  • Below the net profit line, the amounts Non-deductible & Non-assessable and Assessable and Deductible now display debits and credits correctly.
For charities
  • The Approval of Financial Report now says The trustee is pleased to present the approved financial report including the historical performance report instead of the historical financial statements.
  • The Going Concern policy now refers to the performance report instead of the financial statement.
  • The Notes to Financial Reports now says These performance reports have been prepared on the basis that the trust is a going concern instead of These financial statements...

You'll need to rename 2 reports:

  • Approval of financial report to Approval of performance report
  • Notes to the financial statement to Notes to the performance report.

If you don't rename them, the contents page will still refer to the financial report/statement instead of the performance report.

Statement of financial performance
  • Below the net profit line, the amounts Non-deductible & Non-assessable and Assessable and Deductible now display debits and credits correctly.
Rental statement
  • Account balances in custom account groups created in Statement of profit or loss > Rentals > Expenses now display debits instead of credits.

  • The footer wasn't printing, so we've added one footer for audited accounts and one for non-audited accounts.

Things we've improved:

Expense categories in a farm trading account

You can now print expense categories in a farm trading account:

  • Change the non-transaction data field Farming > Expense categories to Yes. This will break down your expenses into categories.
  • Move the account ranges directly under Farm working expenses to a subcategory. You can do this at the practice level or client level. See moving account group ranges.

    If you move an account range to an expense subcategory, but change the Non-transaction data field Farming > Expense categories to No, it will print expenses under the heading Farm working expenses.

  • Rename an expense heading by selecting Paragraphs in practice settings or client settings.

    If you rename an expense heading within a paragraph, it doesn't rename the corresponding account group folder.

    You can't rename an account group folder at the practice level. However, if you find it confusing you can rename an account group folder at the client level.

Natural increase total in the Livestock reconciliation report

The Livestock reconciliation report can now include natural increase as the final total instead of deaths and missing:

  • We've added a new account group called Deaths and missing. You can add account code ranges into this folder at practice or client level.
  • We've added new Non-Transaction Data fields:
    • Farming > Deaths and missing
    • Farming > Natural increase.
  • Select Natural increase for each client (it currently defaults to Deaths and missing).
Capital commitments note

We've added a new note for Capital commitments. By default, it prints There were no capital commitments during the year under review. You can replace the wording in the default paragraph if there are capital commitments.

Balance sheet improvements
  • We've added an option to display net working capital on the balance sheet. To activate, go to Non-Transaction Data > Balance Sheet and select Show working capital on balance sheet.

  • The balance sheet printed Shareholder/Beneficiary current accounts as a plural for assets, but as a singular or plural for liabilities. To keep things simple and consistent, assets and liabilities will now both use the plural.
Expense categories in the Statement of profit or loss

We've added categories in the Expenses account group folder for:

  • Administration
  • Employment
  • Financing or interest
  • Marketing
  • Motor vehicle
  • Occupancy and standing charges
  • Operating
  • Other expenses
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Selling and distribution.

To activate, set Non-Transaction Data > Profit or loss statement > Expense Categories to Yes.

Rename an expense heading by selecting Paragraphs in practice settings or client settings.

If you rename an expense heading within a paragraph, it doesn't rename the corresponding account group folder.

You can't rename an account group folder at the practice level. However, if you find it confusing you can rename an account group folder at the client level.

To use these categories in the Statement of profit or loss:

  1. Go to Practice Report Settings > Account Groups or Client Report Settings > Account Groups.
  2. Move the account code ranges from your existing folders to the new folders listed above. See moving account group ranges.

    • If you move an account range to an expense subcategory, but change the Non-transaction data field Statement of profit or loss > Expense categories to No for a client ledger, it will print expenses under the heading Expenses.
    • Account codes left in the original account group folders will still print using the account group name as the heading.

Make the following changes to account group folders:

Account group folderAction to take
Audit feesMove to the relevant account group folder (no longer needed in its own folder).
LeasesMove to the relevant account group folder (no longer needed in its own folder).
  • To print depreciation below Net profit before depreciation, don't make any changes.
  • To show depreciation as part of the expenses, move to the relevant account group folder.
Trust distributions or shareholders salariesDon't change anything.
Install guides
  • Make sure everyone's logged out of all MYOB programs.
  • Check that your computer meets the system requirements.
  • Disable your virus checker.
  • Check that you have MYOB AE/AO version 5.4.32

    To check your version numbers
    1. Open MYOB AE/AO.
    2. Select Help > About from the menu bar.
      The version number should be or later.
To install MYOB AE Statutory Reporter Formats
  1. Log in to my.MYOB and go to My Products > Downloads.

  2. Select MYOB AE Client Accounting from the drop-down.

  3. Download the MYOB AE Statutory Reporter 5.4.32 (v19) - Update and save it to your computer.
  4. Double-click the .exe file to start the installation. The InstallShield Wizard appears.
  5. Click Next. The Licence Agreement appears.
  6. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement then click Next. The installer connect to the SQL database and Destination Folder appears.

  7. Click Next to accept the default installation directory. Either Database Server or Ready to update the database appears.

  8. If Database Server appears:

    1. Select an MYOB database from the list.
    2. Select Server authentication using the Login ID and password below.
    3. Enter the Login ID and Password for the SQL System Administrator ('sa' user).
    4. Click Next. Ready to update the database appears.
  9. In Ready to update the database:
    1. Select Yes to back up the database now and select Backup Recommendation Acknowledged.
    2. If you want to change the backup directory, click Change... and choose a location to save the backup.
    3. Click Next.
  10. Click Upgrade DB.

    AE Statutory Reporter Formats installs.
To install MYOB AO Statutory Reporter Formats
  1. Log in to my.MYOB and go to My Products > Downloads.

  2. Select MYOB AO Client Accounting from the drop-down.

  3. Download the MYOB AO Statutory Reporter 5.4.32 (v19) - Update and save it to your computer.
  4. Double-click the .exe file to start the installation. The Licence Agreement appears
  5. Select I have read and accept the licence agreement, then click Next.

    The installer connects to the SQL database. Either Database connection or Ready to Install appears.
  6. If Database connection appears:
    1. Select Server authentication using the Login ID and password below.
    2. Enter the Login ID and Password for the SQL System Administrator ('sa' user).
    3. Click Next.
  7. In Ready to Install, click Install.
To check your Statutory Reporter Formats version number
  1. Open MYOB AE/AO.

  2. On the main menu, go to Maintenance > Maintenance Menu > Client Accounting > Practice Report Settings.

  3. On the Tasks bar, click About. The Report Definition Version number should be 19.



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