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  • AccountRight v19.7 ODBC driver update (Australia only)

This information applies to MYOB AccountRight version 19. For later versions, see our help centre.




Australia only 

You should install this update if you:

  • use AccountRight v19.7 (Plus, Premier or Enterprise), and
  • use an add-on solution with your AccountRight v19.7 software, or
  • use a write back key to import data via the MYOB ODBC driver into your AccountRight v19.7 software.

Why is the ODBC update required?

The ODBC driver originally installed with your AccountRight v19.7 software will not return an error if an error is encountered during an ODBC import. This means the ODBC driver will advise that an import has been successful even if an error is encountered.


To install the ODBC update
  1. Close all open programs, including AccountRight.
  2. Right-click this link and choose to save the file to your Desktop: AccountRight v19.7 ODBC Update.
  3. Double-click the downloaded file.
  4. Click Yes to install the ODBC update.
    setup window with yes button highlighted
  5. Click OK when the installation is complete.
    completion window with OK button highlighted
  6. Ensure you install the ODBC update on all computers using AccountRight v19.7. To do this:
    1. Copy the update file from your Desktop to a removable storage device, such as a USB stick.
    2. Insert the USB stick into the other computer.
    3. Repeat from step 3 above to install the update.