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COVID-19 wage subsidy payments

The New Zealand Government has some business support payments to help pay staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For details of available payments and eligibility criteria, visit

If your business is eligible for any wage subsidy payments, we recommend setting up a COVID-19 pay rate structure to make those payments to the affected employees.


To set up a COVID-19 pay rate structure

To set up a COVID-19 pay rate structure

  1. From the front screen click Setup, then Company Defaults.
  2. Click Pay Rate Structure.
  3. In the Define Pay Rate Structure window, click an Unused Rate and add a description such as 'COVID - 19 Subsidy'.
  4. Click GO. The Define Pay Rate Structure window reappears with the 'COVID - 19 Subsidy' pay structure.
  5. Click GO.
To pay the COVID-19 subsidy

When you process a pay, the COVID - 19 pay rate structures you set up previously will appear for every employee.

  1. From the front screen click Setup, then Calculate Pays.
  2. Enter the Rate and Units for COVID - 19 Subsidy.

    Here's an example showing a $350 subsidy payment:
  3. Repeat for each employee and finalise the pays as normal.
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