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Changes to the ATO validation report for tax returns for 2014 and earlier

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
  • AO Tax (AU)
Article ID: 73402414

Make sure you've updated to hotfix version AE/AO Client Accounting KB75169996 hotfix (Australia & New Zealand). This release includes changes that will affect the lodgmentof 2014 and prior tax returns.

The ATO is making changes to the lodgment of tax returns for 2014 and earlier.  

When you lodge a tax return for 2014 or earlier in MYOB Tax, you'll get an acknowledgment from the ATO that they've received the form. The ATO won't validate the data upon lodgement, so you'll no longer see rejected returns.

This article explains the changes in MYOB Tax and how to re-lodge the tax return if necessary, following these changes from the ATO.

Changes in MYOB Tax

These changes will take effect from tax year:

  • 2010 to 2014 in AO tax
  • 2005 to 2014 in AE tax (depending on which prior years you've installed).

We've made changes to the validation report you'll receive after lodging a tax return for 2014 and earlier. The key change is as data for 2014 and earlier returns is not verified at the time of lodgment, you will no longer see rejected returns.

Sample validation report

Status of the tax returns in MYOB Tax

We'll change the status of all the tax returns that were sent to the ATO to Lodged.

This is not an accepted status, you'll need to confirm the correct status from the ATO. This means any reports for lodged returns (2014 and prior) will not be accurate till the return status is confirmed by the ATO.

Finding out if a tax return is accepted or rejected by the ATO

You can confirm the status of your tax return in the ATO online services for agents. It can take up to 24 hours for the tax return status to update in the ATO online service.

The ATO will contact you if the return needs to be re-lodged with any changes. To avoid duplicate lodgment or delays in processing, don't re-lodge the return unless the ATO has advised you to do so.

If your lodgements are not appearing on the lodgmentreport after 12 days, contact the ATO registered agent phone line on 13 72 86.

Rejected lodgement

Re-lodging a return that was rejected by the ATO

The ATO might contact you if any changes are required to the return.

To be able to lodge the return again in MYOB, follow the steps below to manually make some changes to the status of the return.

If you haven't updated to hotfix AE/AO Client Accounting KB75169996 hotfix (Australia & New Zealand) you'll see the following error message when trying to re-lodge the return after fixing errors.

Lodgements have not been sent due to the following errors:
Client name could not be lodged. The return has been previously submitted for lodgmentand re-submission may cause a rejection by ATO.

Resetting the status of a tax return manually
  1. Open the tax return and go to Lodgment > Update > I P T C F forms. The Lodgment Update window appears.

  2. Select Single Return and click OK.
  3. From the State drop-down, select In Progress and click OK. A lodgmentUpdate message appears.
  4. Click OK. The Lodgment Update window re-appears.

  5. Click OK. The lodgment status is changed.

  6. Go to the Return properties and change Return Lodged via from P (Paper return) to E (ELS return).
  7. Go to lodgment manager and re-lodge the return.


If you're required to lodge an amendment for a return lodged previously, follow the usual process. See Amending Lodged Returns



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