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Error: "Invalid file format, please use the appropriate file format and try again" when importing an .MYE file to AE/AO Ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AO Workpapers (AU)

  • AE Workpapers (AU)

  • Workpapers (NZ)

  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)

  • AO Statutory Reporter (AU)

  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)

Article ID: 38698

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and MYOB Accountants Office (AO) Client Accounting, you may experience the error "Invalid file format, please use the appropriate file format and try again" when attempting to import an .MYE file to MYOB AE/AO Ledger.

Why is this error happening?

This error may happen:

  • when there are special characters or letters in the Account Codes, or if an Account Code is left blank when exporting transactions.

  • Rounding errors or

  • Line Feed and Carriage Return characters in the comments section [LF][CR]

To find out the details of the error, open the ClientFrameWork.log. To find the log file,

  1. Click the Start button and enter %appdata% in the search field.

  2. Go to the MYOB\Roaming\ClientFrameWork folder.


When there is a special character in the Account code or is blank
  1. Before exporting the transactions make sure,

    1. All Bank Accounts have an Account Code in the Chart of Accounts

    2. All accounts listed in the Chart of Accounts have Numeric account codes.

    3. The sum of all transactions is equal to 0 and your Debit and Credit columns balance.

    4. If you're exporting from an Essentials Accounting or AccountRight file, also make sure,

      • All transactions in the period have been reconciled and there are no transactions allocated to the 3-8000 Allocate me (withdrawal) and 3-8001 Allocate me (deposit) accounts.

Rounding error

When there is a rounding error, you’ll see Unbalanced transaction in the clientframework.log and the reference for the transaction that is out of balance.

To find the transactions:

  1. Rename the extension of the .MYE file to .zip.

  2. Extract the files from the zip file

  3. Open the MYOBAO.txt file.

  4. Within the MYOBAO.txt file, click Ctrl+F to search for the reference that is out of balance.

  5. Change the amount of one of the transactions to balance the journal.

There may be many transactions with a particular reference, for example, EFT.
To fix these transactions:

  1. Copy the contents of the MYOBAO.txt file to an Excel spreadsheet.

  2. Search for the transactions that are out of balance and balance the journal.
    As these are usually rounding issues, the transaction will be out of balance by one cent and there may be more than one transaction that is out of balance

Line Feed and Carriage Return characters in the comments section

When there is a rounding error, you’ll see Journal Account Code does not Exists in the clientframework.log.

  1. In the MYOBAO.txt file, find the transactions that extend over two lines.

  2. Copy the contents of the MYOBAO.txt file to Notepad or Notepad++.

  3. Find any extra lines or [LF][CR] in the transaction lines.

  4. To repair the MYE file:

    1. Rename the MYE file from .MYE to .zip and extract the MYOBAO.txt file

    2. Copy the journals from the MYOBAO.txt text to Notepad++.

    3. Go to View > Show Symbol > Show All Characters.

    4. Find the transactions with the extra [LF][CR] and delete the [LF][CR] in the comments of the lines.

    5. Replace the text in the MYOBAO.txt file, copy and replace it in the zip file and rename the zip file to .MYE.

Further information on importing a client file into AE/AO Ledger is available from Importing data.

To import an MYE file
  1. Open the client’s Client Accounting > Trial Balance or Workpapers tab.

  2. From the TASKS bar, click Manage client file imports. The Manage Client File Imports window appears.

  3. Under Choose file type, select .MYE.

  4. In the Select file to import field, click the ellipses button (

    ) and browse to the location of the .MYE file you want to import.

  5. Select the .MYE file and click Open. The location and name of the import file displays in the Select file to import field.

  6. Click Next. A message displays with details of the client’s name, start date and end date.

  7. Click Yes. The system validates the file format.

Continue to Mapping imported accounts.

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