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Things you should know before upgrading

This information is intended for AccountRight v19 (or earlier) users moving to the new, online AccountRight. If you're already using the new AccountRight and need to update your software, or upgrade a file that's already online, see Getting the latest version.

Not sure which AccountRight version you're using? Open AccountRight, go to Help and choose About AccountRight.

Key points

You need an AccountRight subscription to upgrade

If you don't have a subscription, you'll need one before you can upgrade. Subscribe now.

If you're already have a subscription and want to know how many files you can put online, see here.

Check the following features

Take note if you use these features in your Classic AccountRight (v19 or earlier) software:

  • Negative inventory - inventory items can't have a negative quantity or value in the new AccountRight. But if you adjust your inventory quantities and values to zero or greater (in each location, if you use multiple inventory locations), you can turn off negative inventory in AccountRight v19 and it won't prevent you from upgrading.

  • Add-ons that require ODBC. Are your add-ons compatible? Check the add-on centre (Australia New Zealand) or contact the add-on provider to check if the add-on can work with the new AccountRight.

Upgrading a FirstAccounts company file

FirstAccounts is a very old product so you'll first need to upgrade to AccountRight v19, then you'll be able to upgrade to the new AccountRight. For all the details, see Upgrading FirstAccounts to AccountRight v19.

Also, check these things

Check if

More information

your computer can run the new AccountRight

Check the full system requirements.

the size of your file is 300MB or more

If your file is 300MB or more in size, you should prepare your company file for the new AccountRight. This can help the upgrade complete faster and smoother.

the file you want to upgrade is located in a C:\Program Files subfolder

You’ll need to log on to your computer as an administrator before you can upgrade it. For tips on how to find the file you want to upgrade, see How to find your file.

you have customised reports

You'll need to recreate them in the new software version. The good news is we've made customising reports easier. See Customising reports.

Your customised forms can be migrated into the new AccountRight after the upgrade - so you won't need to customise them again.

you can find the file you want to upgrade.

See Find the file you want to upgrade for tips.


What's different in the new AccountRight?

Ready to upgrade?

You can send your company file to us and we'll do the upgrade for you.

See Upgrade to the new AccountRight.

After you've upgraded

After you open your upgraded company file, you may need to set up a few features again, depending on what features you use. See Complete your upgrade tasks for all the details.