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Adding rectangle and ellipse comments

Use these two tools to add highlighting to objects or text in the document, plus explanatory comments. Like most other comment tools, the rectangles and ellipses can be resized by dragging the sides and/or corners.

To change the fill and line colours, opacity and other appearance values, right-click the object and select Properties. Make your changes in the Appearance tab and click Close to save your changes.

To add a rectangle or ellipse comment
  1. Select a document in the Source Documents tab.
  2. Click the Document Mark Up tab. The document will open in the Document Mark Up tab.
  3. Scroll through the document to where you want to add the rectangle or ellipse.
  4. Click
    to add rectangle cooment or click
    to add an ellipse comment.
  5. Click and drag to draw the rectangle or ellipse in the document.
  6. Click and drag the rectangle or ellipse to where you want it to appear.
  7. Click the corners of the image to resize it, if necessary.
  8. Double-click the rectangle or ellipse to add text to it.
  9. Click outside the rectangle or ellipse area when finished
  10. Click Save.
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