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Sorting, grouping and filtering jobs or schedules

Practice Manager only

You can sort and group either jobs or (AE) schedules on the Job Sheet homepage.

The Job Sheet homepage incorporates intelligent grouping. Some fields such as the Target Date and Year End are not grouped on the values. The Year End field for instance is grouped by the month.

You can filter the information displayed on the Job Sheet homepage. The applied filter is displayed as a hyperlink at the top of the page. When there is no filter applied, “No Filter” is displayed.

A milestone can be filtered by the status and the date of the milestone. Both these values are available in the Field Chooser for filtering. Each milestone will therefore be displayed twice in the Field Chooser: one for the date; and one for the status.

To filter jobs or schedules
  1. Click Jobs on the toolbar. The Job Manager — Job Sheet opens.

  2. Right-click on the Job Sheet table and select Filter jobs. The Filter jobs window opens.

    You can also click the filter hyperlink at the top of the page.

  3. Click Click here to add filter criteria.

  4. Select a field from the Choose Field drop-down.

  5. Select an appropriate search condition from the Equal drop-down.

  6. Enter the search terms in the search field.

  7. Click

     to add filter criteria, and click
     to remove filter criteria. As you add filter criteria, the Job Sheet updates with your search results. Another level of filtering criteria is added to the original filter. It is a nested filter and the filter criteria are mutually inclusive.

  8. Close the Filter jobs window. The filter criteria applied will display at the top of the control as a hyperlink, which opens the filter window if selected.
  9. To save your changes to the display, click Save homepage on the Tasks bar.

    In MYOB AE:

    To make permanent changes to the display, ensure that the Job Sheet homepage is in Customise mode. Click Customise homepage on the Tasks bar, then use the Field Chooser to change the display settings. When finished, close the Customise homepage option to make the changes permanent.

  10. If you want to revert to the default standard homepage, click Reset homepage on the Tasks bar.
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