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Rolling data over from a prior period

There will be times when errors are made or workpapers are mistakenly deleted or a workpaper was not automatically rolled over from the previous period. You can rollover individual workpapers from a previous period into the current period.

To roll data over from a workpaper in a prior period to the selected workpaper in the current period, the following conditions must be met:

  • the workpapers must be the same, i.e. workpaper name, template and linked to same account code.

  • the workpaper must be available in the previous year.

  • the workpaper must be in edit mode, not read only mode.

  • the prior period must have been completed.

  • the prior period must have been defined.

All current workpaper data is lost when you rollover from a prior period.

To roll over workpaper data from a prior period
  1. Roll over all data from a completed period. See Rolling over into a new period from a completed period.
  2. Open the new workpapers period. See Opening an existing period. The Prepare Trial Balance (Workpapers) table is displayed.
  3. Select the workpaper in the table.
  4. Add the same workpaper to the same account code. See Adding workpapers.
  5. Select the newly added workpaper.
  6. Click Rollover from the prior period on the Tasks bar. A message will be displayed stating the period that data will be rolled over from. All current data will be lost.
  7. Click Yes to continue. A message is displayed to inform you that the rollover was successful. If you open the workpaper, you will notice that the data content is that of the workpaper from the previous period.
To roll back to a previous workpaper to remove an error
  1. Open the workpapers period. The period table appears.
  2. Delete the workpaper that is in error.
  3. Add the same workpaper to the same account code.
  4. Select the newly added workpaper.
  5. On the TASKS bar, click Rollover from the prior period. A message will be displayed stating the period that data will be rolled over from and that all current data will be lost.
  6. Click Yes to confirm. If you open the workpaper, you will notice that the data content is that of the workpaper from the previous period.
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