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Troubleshooting Lodgment Manager

The following table shows common issues you may encounter when using Lodgment Manager:


Troubleshooting steps

The return status is ‘Rejected’.

Either the return was rejected by the ATO, or the return failed validation when Ready to Lodge was selected.

If the return was rejected by the ATO, generate a Validation Report (see Lodging using Lodgment Manager#Validationreports), and check any errors generated against the following ATO error code pages:

For detailed PLS Rejection codes, see KB 25429784.

Also, ensure that client identity details are correct. For individuals, verify the name and date of birth. For non-individuals, verify the organisation name, and do not add spaces around hyphens. See Adding new clients prior to lodgment > Identity Data Matching for more information.

To relodge a rejected return, press F3 to complete the return and lodge again.

You don't need to edit the status of a 'rejected' form.

The return status is stuck at 'Transmitting'.

Open Services in Windows, and check the windows service (MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server).

If the service is running, the lodging agent may not be authorised to lodge.

If the employee’s my.myob login was set up for the first time, log out and log in again.

Ensure the ABN entered for the practice or agent is correct.

Ensure your internet connection is working correctly.

Check if there are any HTML error responses by clicking the "Transmitting" link. An error log window displays with details if an error response was received. See ViewinglodgmentissueswhileTransmitting/Transmitted for more information.

You should also check the event logs to determine the cause of the issue. See Troubleshooting returns stuck in transmitting or transmitted for more information.

The return status is stuck at 'Transmitted'.

The return is currently sitting in the queue to be sent to the ATO. For 2014 and prior years, processing times can take up to 60 minutes. Try waiting for a response.

If the ATO is down, Lodgment Manager will continue attempting to lodge the return until the ATO becomes available again.

Check if there are any HTML error responses by clicking the "Transmitted" link. An error log window displays with details if an error response was received. See ViewinglodgmentissueswhileTransmitting/Transmitted for more information.

You should also check the event logs to determine the cause of the issue. See Troubleshooting returns stuck in transmitting or transmitted for more information.

I can't view the validation report for 2013 and prior returns.

The Print Validation Report button is only available from 2014 onwards. To review the validation reports for years prior to this, open the latest tax year and go to LodgmentElectronic > PLS Reports.

I can’t lodge an activity statement created in ELS.

(Only applies if you've installed version 2018.1 or later)

Navigate back to the Activity Statements Lodgment homepage. Identify the activity statement and update Statement Type by prefilling data from the ATO.

This will overwrite any existing data in the activity statement. Alternatively, you can create a new activity statement and manually enter the data.

Viewing lodgment issues while transmitting/transmitted

If you have returns that are stuck in "Transmitting" or "Transmitted" status, you can view additional details in an error log if there is a transmission issue. This information can help MYOB support in resolving your issue.

To view this log, click the Transmitting or Transmitted status under the Status column, if the status is underlined.

  • If there are no issues: an information message will appear.
  • If issues were detected: they will be logged, and the error log window displays:

    This error log window shows the HTTP status code, as well as the associated error message. In most cases, the system will attempt the transmission again.

    If you're prompted to contact MYOB support, provide them with this information to assist in resolving your lodgment.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.