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Moving MYOB Payroll to a new computer


You can move Payroll to a new computer in a few simple steps.

OK, let's step you through it


1. Back up your company file

By creating a backup, all your Payroll data will be in a single file which you can copy to a portable storage device, such as a USB stick.

Here's how:

Create a backup of your company file

  1. Go to the File menu and choose Backup.
  2. Click on the ellipsis (...) button and choose where you want to save the backup. To make it easier to find, save it to your desktop.
  3. Click OK to create the backup.
  4. Click OK to the "backup successful" message.

Copy the backup file to a portable storage device

A portable storage device, such as a USB stick, allows you to take files from one computer to another. So you need to copy the backup file from the old computer onto your portable storage device. If you need help doing this, refer to the device's help documentation.

2. Install Payroll on your new computer

Before you install, check that Payroll will work on your new computer.

If you have your Payroll software CD, use that to install the software on your new computer. Otherwise you can download Payroll and the installation instructions from my.myob (requires a current support subscription). For help see Downloading Payroll from my.MYOB.

Simply follow the installation instructions to install Payroll on the new computer.

3. Copy and restore the backup on your new computer

First, copy the backup file from the portable storage device to your computer. To make it easier to find, copy the backup file to your desktop.

Then, to restore the backup, create a "dummy" company file from which you'll be able to restore your company file.

Create a "dummy" company file

  1. Open Payroll on the new computer.
  2. On the Welcome window, click Create a new Payroll.
  3. Enter a Company Name (whatever name you like).
  4. You don't need to enter a Serial Number or change the Tax Year End or Current Month.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK on the Payroll Options window without entering any details.
  7. Click Cancel at the Payroll data file activation window.
  8. Click OK to the "You have 90 days left..." message.

Restore your backup

  1. In the "dummy" company file you just created, go to the File menu and chose Restore.
  2. Click the ellipsis button (...) to browse for your backup file.
  3. Click to select your backup file then click OK.
  4. Click OK to all remaining windows - including the final "restore complete" message.

That's it - you're done!

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