- Created by admin, last modified by AdrianC on Aug 12, 2020
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The banking reports give you full or summarised information about all of your transactions, where money comes from within your business, the results of reconciling your accounts against your banks’ records, and the amount of tax or GST you have collected and paid.
MYOB Essentials’ banking reports are listed in the Banking reports section of the Reports page. The reports and their functions are listed below.
- Reconciliation—displays a detailed or summary report for each bank reconciliation completed in the Bank reconciliation window, listed by account and reconciliation date.
- Banking Transactions—displays deposits and withdrawals for your selected bank or credit card accounts along with a running balance. This report can be filtered by:
- Contact (single or all)
- Account (single or all)
- Transaction Type (single or all)
- Reference Number (single or a range)
- Date (single or a range)
- Amount (single or a range).
To run Reconciliation reports
- From the Reports menu, choose All reports.
- Under the Banking reports subheading, click Banking reconciliation. The Bank Reconciliation Reports page appears, displaying a list of the available reconciliation reports for each account you reconcile.
- If you want to view a summary report, click the PDF icon (
) in the Report column next to the required account and reconciliation date.
- If you want to view a detailed report, click the PDF icon (
) in the Report (Long) column next to the required account and reconciliation date. The selected report appears.
The report appears as a PDF in an Adobe Reader window, ready for you to review, save or print.
To run a Banking Transactions report
- From the Reports menu, choose All reports.
- Under the Banking reports subheading, click Banking transactions. The Banking Transactions Report page appears, where you can customise and produce the report.
- Select a Contact from the list (or select All to include all contacts).
- Select an Account from the list (or select All to include all accounts).
- Select a Transaction Type from the list (or select All to include all transaction types).
- If you want to report on banking transactions within a certain reference number range, enter the range in the Ref. No. From and To fields.
- If you want to report on banking transactions within a certain date range, enter the range in the Dated From and To fields, using the standard date format.
- If you want your report to include a range of amounts, enter the range in the Amount From and To fields.
- Click Generate Report.
The report appears as a PDF in an Adobe Reader window, ready for you to review, save or print.
(Partners only) To run a coding report from the Bank transactions page
If you're an MYOB Partner, you can generate a coding report straight from the Bank transactions page.
A coding report lists the transactions you select and provides important details, such as their allocation status. This makes it a valuable resource to send to clients who can't access their Essentials business and who need to allocate transactions.
Here's how to generate the report:
- Go to the Bank transactions page.
- To run a report showing only unallocated transactions, click the Allocate or Match column heading until only unallocated transactions are shown.
- Select a from and to date to specify a date range. For example, you may be reconciling for a specific period.
- If you want to generate a report showing all unallocated transactions, click the top most checkbox to select all transactions. Otherwise, you can select individual transactions.
- Click Generate report.