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  • Setting up unpaid invoice summaries




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Following up customers for payment can be a time consuming chore.

But you can save time and effort and get paid faster by setting up MYOB Essentials to automatically email your customers a list of unpaid invoices each month. This a great way to remind your customers to pay you without having to lift a finger.

If you use unpaid invoice summaries, along with automatic reminder emails for individual invoices, MYOB Essentials does the work of chasing up customer payments for you.

How it works

Once you've switched on unpaid invoice summaries, you'll be emailed a summary notification on the 28th of each month, and your customers will be emailed a list of their unpaid invoices on the 3rd of every month. You can choose to send this list to all of your customers or selected ones.

Unpaid invoice summaries are sent for all open saved invoices. This includes invoices you haven't yet printed or emailed. If you want to prevent a customer getting an unpaid invoice summary before they receive an invoice, you can easily turn off unpaid invoice summaries.

We'll show you how to set up unpaid invoice summaries for all or selected customers. Also find out what unpaid invoice summaries look to your customers.

Turn on unpaid invoice summaries for all customers

Turn on unpaid invoice summaries for all customers

  1. Click your business name in the top-right corner and choose Invoice and quote settings.
    settings menu with invoice and quote settings highlighted

  2. Click the Reminders tab.

  3. Click Reminders settings. The Reminders and unpaid invoice summaries window appears.

  4. Click the Unpaid invoice summaries tab.

  5. Select the option Send unpaid invoice summaries.

  6. Select the option Send to all customers.

  7. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the Reminders and unpaid invoice summaries window.

On the 3rd of every month, a list of outstanding invoices will now be sent to customers. If you don't want to send summaries to some customers, you can turn off reminders for them in their customer record.

To turn off invoice summaries for all customers, repeat these steps and deselect the option Send unpaid invoice summaries.

Turn on unpaid invoice summaries for selected customers

Turn on unpaid invoice summaries for selected customers

You can send invoice reminders to specific customers. First, enable the reminders feature then turn on reminders for the individual customers.

  1. Click your business name in the top-right corner and choose Invoice and quote settings.
    settings menu with invoice and quote settings highlighted

  2. Click the Reminders tab.

  3. Click Reminders settings. The Reminders and unpaid invoice summaries window appears.

  4. Click the Unpaid invoice summaries tab.

  5. Select the option Send unpaid invoice summaries.

  6. Select the option Send to specific customers.

  7. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the Reminders and unpaid invoice summaries window.
    Next, you need to choose the customers you want to send unpaid invoice summaries to.
  8. From the Contacts menu, choose View contacts.
  9. Click a customer's name to open their record.
  10. Click the Reminders settings tab.

  11. On the Reminders window, select the option Send unpaid Invoice summary to this customer.

  12. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the Reminders window.
  13. Click Save to save the changes for this customer.
  14. Repeat from step 7 for other customers you'd like to send reminders to.

Turning off unpaid invoice summaries

If you want to turn off unpaid invoice summaries for all your customers, or for a selected customer, complete the relevant steps below. 

To turn off unpaid invoice summaries for all customers

To turn off unpaid invoice summaries for all customers

This is how you can turn off unpaid invoice summaries for all your customers. If you only need to turn it off for specific customers, see Set up unpaid invoice summaries for a single customer above.

  1. Click your business name in the top-right corner and choose Invoice and quote settings.
    settings menu with invoice and quote settings highlighted

  2. Click the Reminders tab.

  3. Click Reminders settings. The Reminders and unpaid invoice summaries window appears.

  4. Click the Unpaid invoice summaries tab.

  5. Deselect the option Send unpaid invoice summaries.
  6. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the Reminders and unpaid invoice summaries window.

Turn off unpaid invoice summaries for selected customers

Turn off unpaid invoice summaries for selected customers

  1. From the Contacts menu, choose View contacts.
  2. Click a customer's name to open their record.
  3. Click the Reminders settings button.
  4. On the Reminders window, deselect the option Send unpaid Invoice summary to this customer.

  5. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the Reminders window.
  6. Click Save to save the changes for this customer.
  7. Repeat these steps for other customers you'd like to stop sending unpaid invoice summaries to.


Any feedback on unpaid invoice summaries?

We're keen to hear from you about how we can improve this feature. Just click Send Feedback in the Reminders and unpaid invoice summaries window and tell us what you think.