Child pages
  • Editing transactions and adding notes

From the View and match transactions page, you can edit the description of a transaction to make it clearer, and also add a descriptive note to it.

Any recent notes you've entered will appear as a hyperlink below the transaction. You can click on the link to open it and add further notes. You can also delete the note directly from here if you want.

To edit a transaction description
  1. Open the cashbook for the relevant business.
  2. Go to Banking> View and match transactions.
    By default, all bank and credit-card transactions appear on this page. You may want to filter this list by a specific account or date-range.
  3. Find the transaction you want to edit.
  4. Click on the arrow () to the right of the transaction. The transaction panel expands.
  5. Select the Edit description tab.
  6. Enter a new description in the field.
  7. Click Save.
    The transaction will now appear on this screen, and in all reports, with the new description.
    If you ever want to return to the original transaction description, you can re-open the Edit description tab, and simply delete all the text in the field.
To add a note to a transaction
  1. Open the cashbook for the relevant business.
  2. Go to Banking> View and match transactions.
    By default, all bank and credit-card transactions appear on this page. You may want to filter this list by a specific account or date-range.
  3. If you only want to see Unallocated Transactions, select this option from the Show list at the top.
  4. Find the transaction you want to add a note to.
  5. Click on the arrow () to the right of the transaction. The transaction panel expands, with the Split Transaction tab open.
  6. Click the Note tab.
  7. Enter the note in the field and click Add note.
To delete a note from a transaction
  1. Open the cashbook for the relevant business.
  2. Go to Banking> View and match transactions.
    By default, all bank and credit-card transactions appear on this page. You may want to filter this list by a specific account or date-range.
  3. If you only want to see Unallocated Transactions, select this option from the Show list at the top.
  4. Find the transaction that you want to delete the note from.
  5. If the note appears as a hyperlink below the transaction, hover over it and click the Delete icon () that appears.

  6. If the note doesn't appear below the transaction, you need to open it first and then delete it:
    1. Click on the arrow () to the right of the transaction. The transaction panel expands, with the Split Transaction tab open.
    2. Click the Note tab to view the note.
    3. Hover over the top-right corner of the note, and click the Delete icon () that appears.