- Created by admin, last modified by AdrianC on Aug 03, 2018
This information applies to MYOB AccountRight version 19. For later versions, see our help centre.
If your company file is a few years old and it contains unprocessed transactions (electronic payments, bank deposits, etc.), you may experience issues upgrading to the latest AccountRight version. The tasks below describe how to clear these unprocessed transactions.
You should also reduce the size of your company file as much as possible as described in Preparing a company file for the new AccountRight.
Before you begin
Make a backup of your company file as described in the AccountRight help (Australia | New Zealand).
For more information about electronic payments, see the AccountRight help (Australia | New Zealand).
- Go to the Banking command centre and click Prepare Electronic Payments. The Prepare Electronic Payments window appears.
- In the Pay From Account field, select the bank account from which you are paying.
- In the Your Bank Statement Text field, type the text you want to appear on your bank statement.
- In the Bank Processing Date field, enter the date you want the bank to withdraw the money from your bank account and transfer it to the payees' bank account(s).
- If there are payments you want to delete from the list without processing them, click the zoom arrow next to the payment, then go to the Edit menu and choose Delete. (If you only have the option to Reverse, go to the Setup menu and choose Preferences. Click the Security tab and deselect the Transactions CAN'T be Changed option.)
- Select those payments you want to process, by clicking in the select column next to those payments. In our example below, 2 payments have been selected.
- Click Bank File.(Australia) or Process (New Zealand). A message appears, informing you that the payment will be recorded before the bank file is created.
- Click OK. The Save As window appears.
- Select the destination folder and name for the electronic bank file and click Save. The payment information is saved as file which you can send to your bank for processing.
- If you want to prepare another electronic payment file, repeat from step 2 above.
- Click Cancel to exit the Prepare Electronic Payments window.
- You can now submit the bank file to your bank for processing. Contact your bank for more information on how to send the files for processing.
For more information on the undeposited funds account, payment methods, and bank deposits see Recording, tracking and depositing payments.
- Go to the Banking command centre and click Prepare Bank Deposit.
- In the Deposit to Account field, ensure the account you want to deposit funds into is displayed.
- Enter the Date and an applicable Memo for this deposit.
- Click the arrow next to the Select Receipts By field and select Payment Method. Note: If using the Deposit Adjustment feature to record items such as credit card merchant fees, you will need to set the Select Receipts By option to All Methods.
- Click the arrow next to the Payment Method field and select the Payment Methods to be deposited.
- Click OK to return to the Prepare Bank Deposit window where only payments received by the specified methods will be displayed.
- Select the receipts to be included in the bank deposit.
- If there are receipts you want to delete from the list without including them in the deposit, click the zoom arrow next to the receipt, then go to the Edit menu and choose Delete. (If you only have the option to Reverse, go to the Setup menu and choose Preferences. Click the Security tab and deselect the Transactions CAN'T be Changed option.)
- [Optional] Click Deposit Adjustment to enter and record credit card merchant fees.
- Click Record.
The window below shows 2 credit card transactions and 1 credit card merchant fee selected for the bank deposit.
If you have open orders with items received, this can cause an issue when upgrading. This is because the true cost of items is not determined until the invoice is received from the supplier and is entered as a bill.
To check if you have any orders with items received, open the Purchases Register window and click the Orders tab. Any orders with items received have a tick next to them in the Received column.
If you're unable to find your open orders with items received, run the Purchases Open Item Receipts report for a wide date range (Reports menu > Index to Reports > Purchases tab > Purchases Register sub-heading > Purchases Open Item Receipts report).
The workaround for the issue is described below. Note that it is not ideal business practice to work this way, so you might prefer to wait until the balance of items arrives before you upgrade.
- Contact the supplier and find out the price of each item that you have already received from them.
- Convert the order to a bill, but change the number of items shown in the Bill column, to match the amount of items in the Received column.
- Enter the price for each item as provided by your supplier.
- Record the bill. An order for the remaining items is automatically created.
- When the bill arrives from the supplier, you can treat it as you normally would, but when you record the payment, you will need to apply it to the separate bills you have recorded.
For more information on the Receive Items feature see the AccountRight help (Australia | New Zealand).
AccountRight Plus, Premier and Enterprise, Australia only
If you have payroll liabilities listed in the Pay Liabilities window, these need to be paid to the relevant authority or agency.
If a payroll liability is listed, but you have already paid it using a Spend Money transaction, the liability will need to be cleared from the Pay Liabilities window- see To clear Pay Liabilities transactions which have already been paid below.
To pay unpaid payroll liabilities:
- Go to the Payroll command centre and click Pay Liabilities. The Pay Liabilities window appears.
- In the Pay from Account field, type or select the account you are making the payment from.
- In the Supplier field, select the card for the authority or agency to whom the amount is being paid.
- Select the type of liability you are paying from the Liability Type list.
- In the Dated From and the Dated To fields, enter the period in which the payroll liabilities were withheld.
- Click in the select column next to the payroll liability amounts you want to include with this payment. The total of the selected payroll liabilities appears in the Total Payment fields.
- Click Record
To clear Pay Liabilities transactions which have already been paid
Follow the instructions below to clear liabilities from the Pay Liabilities window when they have already been paid using a Spend Money transaction.
- Go to the Payroll command centre and click Pay Liabilities. The Pay Liabilities window appears.
- Select the liabilities which have already been paid.
- Go to the Edit menu and choose Recap Transaction.
- Take note of the date, the accounts and the amounts being debited and credited.
- Click OK to the Recap Transaction window.
- Click Record. The paid liabilities will be cleared from the Pay Liabilities window.
- Go to the Accounts command centre and click Record Journal Entry. The Record Journal Entry window appears.
- Enter a Memo to describe this entry.
- Enter the Date - this will be the same as the Pay Liability transaction date.
- Enter all the accounts and their respective values. Note that the debits and credits must be entered as the opposite of what was shown when you recapped the Pay Liabilities transaction above. For example, if the recap showed an account entry of $100 in the Debit column, you would enter $100 in the Credit column of the journal entry.
- When all amounts have been entered and the Out of Balance field shows $0.00, click Record.
Need some help?
If you're having trouble with any of these tasks, contact us and we'll step you through it.