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  • Consignment stock in RetailManager





Consignment stock, by definition, is a marketing arrangement whereby physical control of merchandise but not title, is transferred from one business (the Consignor) to another (the Consignee). The title to the goods remains that of the consignor until such a time as the goods are sold by the consignee. 

This page will explain how to track goods on consignment when you are the Consignor and the Consignee.

As the Consignor

As the Consignor, stock is sent out to your customers on consignment. This stock remains as "Stock on-hand" in your database until the goods is sold, it is then recorded as income, and goods are taken out of stock. Follow the steps below to record the transaction.


Recording consignment stock as the consignor
  1. When the Goods are given to the customer, create a Sales Order, using the Sales Order payment type in the Sales window.
  2. If the customer has sold all the goods record the sale from the Sales Order payment window to the relevant payment they paid.
  3. If the customer has only sold part of the goods, edit the Sales Order before committing the payment.
    In this example, the 'Product Painting - Country Side' was given back to the store as it was not sold. By editing the Sales Order it puts it back into your stock. If the customer is still holding onto this product until sold, you would need to record a new Sales Order for any goods that have not been sold.
  4. To record the new sales order for any products that were not sold, and the customer still holds these products to be sold. Record a new Sales Order in the sales screen.

As the Consignee

As the Consignee, you receive stock from your supplier to sell, this consignment stock is not recorded as 'Stock on-hand' and when sold it is recorded as income. You would then notify your supplier that the goods have been sold, and pay your supplier. Follow the steps below to record the transaction.


To set up stock items to be tracked

As the Consignee, it is important to track your Consignment stock separately to any standard stock that you have. To separate your Consignment stock:

  • A Department called CONSIGN can be setup.           
  • Then you can categorise the stock item into different categories and sub-categories. If you have several consignment suppliers you can use the sub-category to denote this.           
  • Create your stock items as usual, make sure you select the department CONSIGN.           
  • If your stock has more that one purchase tax code (in other words GST and GST free) then you can use the sub categories to keep track of your tax paid. Use GST and GFREE as your sub categories. When running the reports, you can utilise the categories and sub categories to give you detailed information.           
  • If a supplier sells you consignment as well as regular stock, you may want to consider creating two separate suppliers.

Managing your consignment stock

Here are two methods to manage your consignment stock from your suppliers, choose the appropriate method that applies to your business. 


To manage your consigment stock if you do not export to MYOB accounting software

 This method is suited to RetailManager users who do not export to MYOB accounting software.

  • When goods are received on consignment you DO NOT enter a Goods Received.           
  • Stock is sold as per usual, creating a negative quantity on-hand.            
  • At the end of a billing period a consignee will typically need to report on the amount sold and get invoiced for the goods. At this point you need to run a What's Selling report to determine the amount sold:            
  • Go to the Tools menu and choose Reporting. Select Sales and choose the What's Selling report.           
  • Click the Date button and enter a Start and End Date to report on.           
  • Click the Categories button and select the CONSIGN department to show sales for the consignment stock only. If you have categorised your consignment stock, choose your categories as well.           
  • All other buttons are optional.           
  • Click Preview or Print to view the report.           
  • The negative figures from this report should now be used to enter a Goods Received. This will set the quantities on-hand of your consignment stock back to zero. 
To manage stock for users who export their transactions to MYOB accounting software

This method is suited to RetailManager users who export their sales/purchases to MYOB accounting software.

In RetailManager

  • When goods arrive using this example, enter a Goods Received for all stock on consignment.
  • If you use MYOB's accounting software, this Goods Received will come across as part of your accounting export. These need to be deleted or reversed as you are not invoiced for the full amount. To delete the invoices go to the Command Centre and select Find Transactions.
  • Click the Card tab and select the appropriate supplier. Enter the correct date range for the billing period and a list of Goods Received will be displayed with the memo: 'Purchase RetailManager'.
  • Delete/Reverse all these invoices by click the white arrow beside them, then click Edit on the top menu bar and click Delete or Reverse.
  • In RetailManager, consignment stock is sold as per usual.
  • At the end of a billing period you will need the total cost of the consignment stock you sold and generate the invoice for the goods.
  • Run the Profit by Category Summary report. Take the 'Category Total' for the CONS category. This is the tax exclusive cost price total of consignment stock sold in the date range you chose.
  • Use this total and manually enter it as the total of a purchase in your MYOB accounting software.

In MYOB accounting software

  1. Go to the Purchases command centre and click Enter Purchases.
  2. Enter the supplier, the payment terms, date and invoice number (if any).
  3. Enter the purchase amount and the tax code. Note: If some stock has a GST tax code and some stock is GST free, enter the stock items onto separate lines and allocate the appropriate tax code to each line.
  4. Enter an allocation account (this is usually the inventory asset account).
  5. Enter a description of the consignment stock purchase. It is recommended to include the billing period as part of the description.
  6. Fill in the remaining details and click Record


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