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  • Credit card surcharges in RetailManager





You will need to find out from your Merchant if GST is applied to the surcharge. For the purposes of this support note, we'll assume the surcharge from the Merchant is a GST-free transaction.

The easiest way to cater for credit card surcharges in RetailManager is to create a new item. Then when you process a credit card payment, you can add this item to the sale and change the selling price to the amount of the surcharge. 

Before you begin

Take a backup of your shopfront by going to the File menu and choosing Backup. For more detailed instructions, see the RetailManager user guide.

1. Create an item to represent the surcharge
  1. In RetailManager, go to the Information menu and choose Stock.
  2. Enter the desired barcode for the new item, press Tab, then select the option to create the barcode.
  3. Enter the Description as Credit Card Surcharge $0.02 per $1, or similar (as applicable).
  4. Select the options Static Quantity and Fractional Quantities.
  5. Select the applicable Tax Code. If you're not sure what to choose, check with your accounting advisor. For our example, we'll choose a code that doesn't attract GST.

    Multiple merchant fee rates

    If your merchant fee rates vary between merchants, you can select the option Change Description at POS. This allows you to change the description to the relevant charge when processing the sale, for example Credit Card Surcharge $0.04 per $1.

  6. Click Commit

You could also setup multiple surcharge items like this with the card type in the description, for example CCA AMEX Surcharge $0.03 per $1 or CCD Diners Surcharge $0.04 per $1. This allows you to simply choose the appropriate surcharge item at the time of sale.

2. Process the sale and include the surcharge
  1. Go to the Transaction menu and choose Sales.
  2. Enter the Staff and Customer.
  3. Enter the item(s) being sold.
  4. Add the applicable surcharge item (as created above).
  5. For the Qty of the surcharge item, enter the total price of the item(s) being sold. In the example below, we're adding the 2% Credit Card Surcharge item to a sale with a total value of $899.00.Image

    If you selected the Change Description at POS option when creating the surcharge item, the description can be changed at this stage, for example Credit Card Surcharge $0.04 per $1.

  6. Specify the payment details then click Commit.
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