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  • Customising statements in RetailManager





This support note describes how to access the statement customisation options and a description of each option. 

Accessing statement customisation in RetailManager v10 and later

  1. Go to the Contact Management menu then choose Print\Email Customer Statements.
  2. You will then have a Customise button at the bottom of the window. You also have the option to customise the Subject and Message sent with emailed statements.

  3. Customise your statements using the options described below.

Accessing statement customisation in RetailManager v9

  1. Go to the Admin menu then choose Print Customer Statements.
  2. Click Customise at the bottom of the window. 
  3. Customise your statements using the options described below. 

Statement customisation options

Customise your statements as per the options described below, then click Apply.


Statement header

Statement titleText entered here will be displayed at the top of your statement under your company name.
Company name & addressIf selected will print your company name and address at the top of your statement.
Account managerWill print the Account manager's name, which is the A\C Owner in the customer's card.
Credit limitWill print the customer's credit limit on the statement.
Payment termsPrints the payment terms from the customer's card.

Statement body

In order to be able to select from all options in the Statement body area, you will need to select option 3 in the Statement detail level area. 

Invoice due dateThis option will print the due date from the invoice at the end of the invoice line.
Invoice overdue promptThis option will print the text from the text field under this option, next to the invoice balance.
Text box under Invoice overdue promptText entered here will print next to the invoice balance on the statement, in other words your preferred message to indicate overdue amounts.

Statement detail level

Decimal quantitiesDisplays statement quantities to 3 decimal places.
Ext. description

If you have an extended description in the Stock card, this option will allow that description to be printed on the statement. Here's an example:

Tax on sale itemsDisplays the tax code and tax amount on the item line.

Statement summary

Tax code sales break up summaryGives a break up of tax amounts by tax codes.
Rounding discrepancyShows the amount of rounding or discount discrepancy.
Outstanding credit notes valueShows the total of all outstanding credit notes for this customer.
Remittance advice and ageingPrints a remittance advice and Aged balances at the bottom of the last page of the statement.
Payment prompt

Prints the message entered in the text box under this option. Here's an example "Thank you for your custom!":

Print report summary page at endPrints a summary of all statements after printing individual customer statements.
Blank page footerAdds blank space at the footer of the statement.


This allows you to select the terms for your customer statements.

GlobalAllows you to create a single set of terms for the entire customer database. The text box next to this option is the number of days before the invoice becomes overdue.
Cust. Payment termsThis option allows you to use the terms you have created on the customer's card. These terms are per customer terms, and created individually.