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  • Resetting a RetailEnterprise network





If RetailEnterprise files become damaged or corrupted, a database repair or reset may be necessary to re-initiate the transfer process between the Shop and Central. The support note outlines the steps involved in resetting the Shop database and re-summarising sales to send to Central.

At Shop

  1. Backup your RetailManager shopfront database and then close all programs on your computer. For details on creating a backup, see the RetailManager user guide.
  2. Uninstall RetailEnterprise Shop by inserting the Shop CD, clicking Install then selecting the Remove option.
  3. Rename the RMShop folder in Windows to RMShop<date>, where <date> is the current date, for example RMShop15012011.
  4. Install RetailEnterprise Shop using the RetailEnterprise Shop CD. It is recommended RetailEnterprise Shop be installed on the computer hosting your RetailManager database.
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Share the RMShop folder to allow read & write permissions. Consult the RetailEnterprise communications guide or your network administrator for help with Windows file sharing.
  7. Open Enterprise Shop.
  8. Go to the File menu and choose Settings.
  9. Click Browse and browse your computer to select the RetailManager shopfront folder.
  10. Select your communication method. If email is used, enter the Central email address.
  11. Set the Last Summarise date back to a date from when you would like transactions to be summarised from.
  12. Set the Summary Start time, in other words the time of day you want Enterprise Shop to perform all following daily summaries.

Enterprise Shop will then summarise all sales between the Last Summarised date and the current system date. The sales summary will then be sent in the next transfer to Central.

Performing this summary may vary in time from 5 minutes if only a few days are being summarised to 1 (one) or more hours if months or years are being summarised.

At Central

  1. Open the Shop Details window by clicking Information then Shops, then double-clicking the shop being reset.
  2. Change the Shop name and click Commit.
  3. Change the Shop name back and click Commit. This change will allow the shop to be recognised on the Enterprise network.
  4. Within the Shop Information window, click the Transfer tab and check the Transfer options. Ensure that all From Shop and To Shop options are appropriately enabled / disabled.
  5. Perform a Test Connection to the Shop by clicking Test Connection in the Connection tab.
  6. Perform a Manual Transfer by going to Transfers > Manual Transfer.

The reset process is then complete. Central and Shop will once again be able to compile and transfer information such as sales summaries, messages, and product updates to be imported into RetailManager via the Centralised Updates feature in RetailManager.