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  • Error: "1303" when installing AccountRight

This information applies to MYOB AccountRight version 19. For later versions, see our help centre.




The following error can occur when installing AccountRight v19:

Example error 1303

This error means there's a process on your computer which is interfering with the installation. We've worked out which process is likely causing this interference, and here's how to fix it:


  1. Click Cancel to close the error message.
  2. Simultaneously press the Ctrl, Shift and Esc keys on your keyboard.
    The Windows Task Manager window appears.
  3. Click the Processes tab.
  4. Click to highlight the process called agent.exe then click End Process. The process name may or may not include "*32" as shown in our example.
    agent.exe highlighted in windows task manager
  5. At the following confirmation prompt, click End process.
    Task manager confirmation prompt
  6. On the Windows Task Manager window, go to the File menu and choose Exit Task Manager.

Error still occuring? Try right-clicking the AccountRight installation file and choosing Run as administartor.