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Article ID: 32549

Accountants Office Suite
AO Classic Tax (AU)
AO Classic Practice Management (AU)

ARTICLE LAST UPDATED: 21/07/2015 2:40:00 AM

In MYOB Accountants Office Classic Tax, you may experience the following error: "Efile directories not created. Path is invalid" when clicking the ELS button.

The following procedure involves the deletion of the three CADATA files that are located in your data folder.

Ensure that you have a backup of your data before performing the procedure. Refer to KB 25270: Backing up my AO Classic data.
To delete the three CADATA files
  1. Ensure that you close the error message if it is present.
  2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your Data folder. For example, M:\MYOBAO\Data.
  3. Locate the three files, named CADATA.DBC, CADATA.DCT and CADATA.DCX.

    If file extensions aren't visible, these three files will all be named CADATA.
  4. Delete the three CADATA files and open Accountants Office. It starts reindexing.
  5. Open the Tax Module. The ELS appears.