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The Data Entry Table is used when a workpaper requires an unlimited number of data entry lines.

Plan and consider what data and information are to be included in your data entry table and how you want to set it out.

The number of columns in a Data Entry Table must fall within the range of 1–15.
The number of rows in a Data Entry Table must fall within the range of 1–500.

How to insert a data entry table in a practice template
  1. Open the practice template for editing. See Opening a practice template for editing.

  2. Position the mouse cursor in the practice template where the new table is to be inserted.

  3. Click Insert Field on the toolbar. The Insert Field window opens.

  4. Select Data entry table.

  5. Click OK. The Data Entry Table window opens.

  6. Enter a Table name for the Data Entry Table field. The Table name is automatically filled when the Data Entry Table window opens. You can accept the default or overwrite it. The system will allocate the next sequential number prefixed by a E for data entry tables. If you decide to overwrite the default Table name, then enter a unique Table name. Conditions for the Table name:

    • It is limited to a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters.

    • It must not start with a number, as this affects the calculations.

    • It must not contain any spaces.

    • It may contain an underscore as part of the name.

    • It is not case sensitive.

  7. Select the Top row is header option, if required. If this option is selected then the first row of the data entry table is considered the header row.
  8. Enter the Table column details. The Table column details section contains three columns: Header, Data type and Required.

  9. Edit the default entry that exists in the Table column details:

    • Select the Header cell and overtype the existing entry with a description of the field to be displayed in the practice template.

    • Select the Data type cell and select a data type from the drop-down.

    • Click the Required checkbox, if necessary.

  10. To add another column:
    If this option is selected, you must enter a value in this field or the data entry will be invalid.
    • Click Add. A new row is added to the Table column details.
    • Edit the entries, as described above.

      The number of columns must fall within the range of 1–15.

  11. To delete an entry:
    • Select the entry to be deleted from the Table column details section.

    • Click Delete. The entry is deleted.

  12. To view and edit the properties of a field:
    • Select the field entry to be viewed from the Table column details section.

    • Click Properties. The appropriate window opens depending on the type of field selected.

    • View and edit any details as required.

    • If appropriate, select whether to Rollover to the next period.

    • Click OK. You are returned to the Data Entry Table window.

  13. To organise the columns:

    • Select the entry that needs to be moved in the sequence.

    • Click the up or down arrow until the entry is positioned where required.

  14. The Rollover to next period checkbox is selected by default. This means that selected table contents will be displayed in the next rollover period. If you have not deselect any Rollover value to next period checkboxes for individual columns, all data within the data entry table is rolled over to the next period.Deselect the Rollover value to next period checkbox, if you do not want data in the data entry table to be rolled over.
  15. Click OK. The Data Entry Table is placed at the insertion point. The Data Entry Table window and the Insert Field window close.