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Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

A report is made up of three main components:


A report is made up of multiple formats. Each format is set to be part of a header, body or footer of a page within a report. In the MYOB masters, reports have been designed with print conditions set for most formats. These print conditions determine when the format will be included in the report being produced. For example, a different footer format is required when a report is audited as opposed to a report that is not audited.

To list all reports with the formats included and their associated print conditions, select the Copy to clipboard option from the Report Explorer’s right-click menu.

Chart Map

The Chart Map is based on the MYOB Master Chart of Accounts provided with your general ledger system, with accounts grouped into logical folders such as Assets and Liabilities. Chart Map folders are referenced in various formats to determine the accounts from which the balances should be obtained.

Chart Map folders are also used to test for certain conditions and determine different actions based on those conditions. For example, Accounting Policy Note 1 Revenue will only print if the relevant accounts have outstanding balances.

Chart Map folders are referred to by the prefix “CM.“.

If your practice’s master chart or client chart is not the same as the MYOB Master Chart, the Chart Map must also be reviewed and adjusted accordingly to ensure that the reports produced are correct.

A complete list of Chart Map folders and the account ranges can be copied to the Windows clipboard by selecting the Copy to clipboard option from the Chart Map Explorer’s right-click menu.

Database Map

The Database Map contains information that serves two major purposes:

  • Non–transaction data holds information such as director’s name and any extra financial disclosure for the printing of Notes within reports.

  • Conditions to determine which parts of a format or which format in a report will be printed.

Database Map folders, tables and items are referred to by the prefix “DB.“.

The Database Map items that are relevant to each report are listed in the sections for the individual report within the help. This should be reviewed constantly to ensure that the information reported is current.

A complete list of Database Map items can be copied to the Windows clipboard by selecting the Copy to clipboard option from the Database Map Explorer’s right-click menu.

To find out which formats or reports a specific component such as a Database Map field or a Chart Map folder is referenced by, select the View Dependencies option from the right-click menu when the item is in focus.