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This feature is available if you've installed version 2018.1a or later.

In the Activity Statement Obligations homepage, on the Tasks bar, click Not Required to mark that activity statement as not required. This can be useful for finding activity statements with the error code CMN.ATO.AS.EM141 on pre-lodge with one of these errors:

  • GST has been removed from this activity statement because you are no longer required to report it to the Tax Office
  • Income tax Withholding (ITW) has been removed from this activity statement because you are no longer required to report it to the Tax Office
  • Income tax instalments (ITI) has been removed from this activity statement because you are no longer required to report it to the Tax Office.

By default, all obligations are set to Required.

Add the Required column using the field chooser to display a list of required obligations. This lets you filter your homepage to help monitor your activity statement work.