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  • Setting up a bank feed for other financial institutions




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Which other banks are supported?

Bank feeds can be set up for accounts with many financial institutions including banks, credit unions, building societies, and fund managers, and we're always adding more. Check our current list of institutions you can set up bank feeds for: 

If your bank isn't listed this means your bank doesn't currently support bank feeds. Instead you can quickly bring your bank transactions into MYOB Essentials by importing bank and credit card statements.

If your account isn't with one of the major financial institutions or they don't offer online applications (see Setting up bank feeds, you'll need to complete a bank feed application form as described below.

1. Apply for the bank feed

Apply for the bank feed

  1. In MYOB Essentials, you can either:

    • click your business name and choose Manage bank feeds, or

    • click Set up bank feeds on your Dashboard.

  2. Click Add bank feed.

  3. Choose whether you want to set up a bank feed for a bank account or credit card, then select the bank or financial institution the account or card belongs to

    1. If you’re setting up a bank feed for a bank account, enter the Account Holder NameBSB and Account Number.

    2. If you’re setting up a bank feed for a credit card, enter the Name on card and the Last 4 digits of the card number.

  4. Read the Terms of Use and select the option if you agree with them.

  5. Click Apply for bank feeds.

  6. Click Print application form. Depending on your computer’s settings, the form will either appear in a new tab, where you can save or print it, or a popup will appear, asking whether you want to save or print the form. To complete the authorisation process, continue to the next task below.

2. Authorise the bank feed

Authorise the bank feed

  1. Print the form.

  2. If you’re setting up a bank feed for a credit card, fill in the remaining digits of the credit card number.

  3. Complete the form and have it signed and dated by the authorised signatory for the bank account you’re setting up a bank feed for.

  4. Submit the application form (instructions are provided on the form).

  5. Once the authorisation form is received, MYOB will forward the information to your bank or financial institution.

  6. When the bank feed is ready, you'll receive a notification on your MYOB Essentials dashboard, asking you to link the new bank feed to an account. Continue to the next task below.

What's the status of my application?

It can take up to 10 days for your bank feed to become active (but it's usually much sooner). Learn more about tracking the status of your bank feed application.

3. Link your bank feed to an MYOB Essentials account

Link your bank feed to an MYOB Essentials account

Once you've applied for the bank feed, you can choose which one of your MYOB Essentials accounts you want the transactions to appear in.

  1. When your bank feed is ready, you'll receive a notification on your dashboard, asking you to link the new bank feed to an account. Click the link in the dashboard notification. 

  2. The Manage bank feeds page appears, with the new bank feed highlighted in pink.

  3. From the Select account dropdown list, choose the MYOB Essentials account you want to link the bank feed to. MYOB Essentials accounts that are already linked to a bank feed do not appear in the list.
    The account you choose will be the bank or credit card account you’ve set up in MYOB Essentials.

    For example, if you’re setting up a bank feed for your main transaction account, you might choose to link it to the 1-1000 Cheque Account in MYOB Essentials. Similarly, if you’re setting up a bank feed for your Visa card, you might choose to link it to the 2-1040 Visa account in MYOB Essentials.

  4. In the confirmation box, click Yes to confirm your choice of linked account. 

  5. The bank feed is linked to the selected account, and bank transactions will start appearing in the linked account. You can view the transactions from your bank feed on the Bank transactions page.


How do I reprint the bank feed authority form?

How do I reprint the bank feed authority form?

If a bank feed has a Bank form created, not yet active status you may reprint the authorisation form. You may need to do this if you’ve misplaced the form, or if it hasn’t been received by MYOB or your bank or financial institution.

  1. In MYOB Essentials, click your business name then choose Manage bank feeds. The Manage bank feeds page appears.

  2. Click the print icon next to the bank feed you want to reprint the form for. The authorisation form appears in a new window with the supplied bank account details already entered.

  3. Print the form. The account holders must sign the form where indicated, and fill out any other necessary details.

  4. Post the signed form to the MYOB address given on the form.

    Once the authorisation form is received, MYOB will forward the information to your bank or financial institution. When the request is approved, data will automatically be fed into your nominated MYOB Essentials account, and the status of the feed will change to Linked and active.

    The list on the Manage bank feeds page is updated to show the linked bank account you requested.