Child pages
  • Uploading or deleting your company logo




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Use the Logo page to upload a graphic file of your business logo to MYOB Essentials. This graphic will then be included on your invoices and quotes.

To ensure your company logo is best reproduced on your MYOB Essentials documents, it’s recommended that the graphic you upload:

  • is either a .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp file,
  • is less than 1MB in size,
  • has a white background, and
  • is 250 pixels wide by 130 pixels high.

To change an uploaded logo, just upload a new logo to replace it.


  1. Click your business name at the top of the screen and choose Logo.
  2. On the Logo page, click Select Logo. The File Upload window appears.
  3. Navigate to your logo graphic, select it and click Open.
    Your logo appears on the Logo page, and will now appear on your MYOB Essentials quotes and invoices.
  1. Click your business name at the top of the screen and choose Logo.
  2. On the Logo page, click Delete. A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click Yes to delete your company logo.
    Your logo disappears from the Logo page, and will no longer appear on your MYOB Essentials quotes and invoices.