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The Create Employee Wizard is a multi-step wizard. You must enter all the mandatory information before you finish the wizard and save the employee in your system. Follow these steps to create an employee:

  • Adding an employee

  • Entering employee personal details

  • Entering employee extra details

  • Entering employee address details

  • Selecting employee security groups

  • (Practice Manager) Entering employee timetable details

  • (Practice Manager) Entering employee charge rates.

When you finish creating the employee with the wizard, you need to complete the additional tasks in:

The instructions included in this section provide an overview for adding employees. Detailed instructions are included in the Online Help. Press [F1] on any of the windows to open the relevant help for that window.

Adding an employee

Access the Create Employee Wizard to add the employee record.

How to add an employee
  1. Select Open > Employee from the menu.
  2. Click Create employee under Find Employees on the Tasks bar. The Create Employee Wizard opens.

Entering employee personal details

Enter personal information about the employee such as their name and username on the Main Details tab of the Create Employee Wizard. You must complete all the mandatory fields, which are flagged with a . You cannot move to the next step until all mandatory information has been entered.

How to enter the employee personal details
  1. Enter a code for the employee into the Code text field. The code must be unique and can be used to identify the employee. This field is mandatory.
  2. Enter the name information into the Title, First Name and Last Name text fields. The Last Name field is mandatory.
  3. Enter a username for the employee into the U/Name text field. This is a mandatory field. Without a U/Name, the employee will not be able to access the database. The employee will use this username to log into MYOB AO.
  4. Click Next to go to the next step in the wizard and enter further information or click Finish to save the employee and close the wizard.

Entering employee extra details

Enter additional information about the employee on the Extra Fields tab. These fields may have been defined by the system administrator. You must complete all the mandatory fields, which are flagged with a . You cannot move to the next step until all mandatory information has been entered.

See Step 2 — Employee Extra Fields under MYOB AO > Employees > Creating Employees > Using the Create Employee wizard in the MYOB AO Online Help for more information on entering employee personal details.

How to enter employee extra fields if required
  1. Access the Extras tab in the Create Employee Wizard.
  2. Click under the Value column in the relevant row.
  3. If the field displays a, select a value from the drop-down.
    Otherwise, enter data into the field.
  4. Repeat for all mandatory items plus any others that are appropriate.

  5. Click Next to go to the next step in the wizard and enter further information or click Finish to save the employee and close the wizard.

Entering employee address details

Enter the address information for the employee on the Address tab if required.

How to add employee address details
  1. Enter address information in the appropriate fields.

  2. Right-click the Enter E-Mail Address Here field to select it.

  3. Enter the employee’s e-mail address.

  4. Click Next to go to the next step in the wizard and enter further information or click Finish to save the employee and close the wizard.

Selecting employee security groups

Security groups are used to group employees together, to use the same features of MYOB AO. Every employee has to be part of a security group before they can log in. It is recommended that an employee only belongs to one security group.

Each security group has a set of task permissions. The task permissions for each group can be found under Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Task Permissions.

The predefined security groups in MYOB AO are:

  • Administrator  this group has full rights

  • Everyone  this group has limited rights.

By default, all new employees belong to the Everyone security group.

On conversion, all your existing MYOB AO Classic security groups are converted with your pre-existing employees. All converted security groups are defined in MYOB AO with the same rights as group Everyone.
At least one employee must belong to the Administrator security group.

How to select/change an employee security group
  1. Click to select the right of the security group the employee is assigned to.


    If the employee is not allocated to a security group:

    1. Click the blank row marked with a under Group.

    2. Click . The Find Security Group window opens.

    3. Click Search. All Security Groups and their descriptions are listed.

    4. Select the Security Group you want for the employee.

    5. Click OK. The selected Security Group appears in the top row.

  2. Click Next to go to the next step in the wizard and enter further information or click Finish to save the employee and close the wizard.

Entering employee timetable details

Practice Manager only

How to enter employee time table information
  1. Access the Time Table tab in the Create Employee Wizard.

  2. Enter the hours to be worked for each day of the week in the format 00.00.
    For example, enter an 8 hour work day as 08.00.

  3. Click Next to go to the next step in the wizard and enter further information or click Finish to save the employee and close the wizard.

Entering employee charge rates

Enter charge rate information for the employee which determines the amount charged for the employee’s work.

How to enter charge rates
  1. Access the Charge Rates tab in the Create Employee Wizard.

  2. Enter the Start Date in DD/MM/YYYY format or select the date from the drop-down calendar.

  3. Select the Charge Rate Type from the list of valid rates.

  4. Enter the Hourly Rate to be charged.

  5. Repeat until all the charge rates the employee can use are defined.

    The Standard charge rate is the default rate used for timesheet data entry.

  6. Click Finish to save and close the wizard and open the Employee page.
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