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How satisfied are you with our online help?*

Just these help pages, not phone support or the product itself

Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied

Why did you give this rating?

Anything else you want to tell us about the help?

You can edit the details for a job from the Job Manager or the Client page > Jobs tab.

You can edit the job year to include a description if required, but it is important to keep the year as well, for example, 2017BASQ1 (Australia) or 2017GSTQ1 (New Zealand).

To edit a job from the Client page > Jobs tab
  1.  Open the relevant client. The Client page opens.
  2. Access the Jobs tab.

  3. Double-click the job name, for example 2013, to be edited. The Edit Job window opens.
  4. Edit the information for the job.
  5. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.
To edit a job from the Job Manager
  1. Click AO-GS-Button-Jobs.png to open the Job Manager.
  2. Click the hyperlink job name in the Year column. The Edit Job window opens.
  3. Edit the information for the job.
  4. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.
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