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  • Attaching messages or files when sending client files via Scheduled Reports




BankLink Practice

When sending files and client files to your clients via scheduled reports you have the ability to attach messages and attachments.

Attaching and adding these messages can be done via either the Report Schedule menu on the client file, or for all clients via the Scheduled Reports option from the System menu.

Setting up this feature will allow your client to receive either a message or an attachment with their client file. If the client file is being sent via BankLink Online there will be an email sent along with the file containing the message and or the attachment.

Attachments cannot be sent if the client gets their Scheduled Reports via Print, Fax or Web File (Web File is BankLink Notes Online or a CCH Web Manager File).

To set up messages and attachments for one client
  1. Open the client's file.
  2. Select Reports and choose the Report Schedule option. These are the individual settings for that client's scheduled reports.
  3. Click the Messages tab to add a message that will be sent in an email to the client when their scheduled report is sent.
  4. Click the Attachments tab to browse for a file using the Attach File button. This attachment will be attached to the email that will be sent either with the client file or in a separate email if the client is on BankLink Online. Multiple files can be attached from this option.
To set up messages and attachments for all clients
  1. Go to the System menu and choose Start New Period.
  2. Choose the Scheduled Reports option.
  3. From the Scheduled Reports menu click the Message Setup tab. This allows you to add messages to the various types of clients.
  4. Click the Message button on the right hand side of each section to show the message window and enter a new message.
  5. Select the Attach Custom Document option to select a custom document from the list.

    Custom documents

    Custom documents must be created beforehand and can be done by navigating to System and choosing Custom Documents.

    See Chapter A9 : Custom Documents in the BankLink Practice Help Guide for more help on custom documents.

Attachments cannot be sent via the System wide scheduled report menu and must be configured via the client file level Report Schedule option.