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  • Bank account showing as unattached in BankLink Practice




BankLink Practice

When setting up new accounts in BankLink Practice, or under Bank Account Maintenance, a bank account might show as unattached. To fix this, you'll need to run a special utility called bkmap.exe to remap the bank accounts to clients.

Before proceeding, create a backup of BankLink Practice.

To run the bkmap.exe utility
  1. Close BankLink Practice for all users.
  2. Right-click the BankLink Practice desktop shortcut and choose Open file location.
  3. Double-click the file named bkmap.exe
  4. Click Check Client-Account Map.
    A verification message will advise if any problems were corrected.
  5. Click OK.

All bank accounts will now correctly display as attached or unattached when setting up new accounts and under System > Bank Accounts.