Child pages
  • Troubleshooting RetailManager and associated hardware





Occasionally you might come across difficulties with hardware and general Windows issues that affect the operation of MYOB RetailManager. This support note delves into some of these issues and explains how you can identify and resolve them.

You might need help from an IT specialist

While we can give basic instructions for Windows setup of hardware, situations can vary greatly between Windows versions and hardware configurations. If the information provided below does not resolve your issue, please refer to your IT specialist.

Common RetailManager solutions

If you're having technical issues with MYOB RetailManager, a simple Windows remedy can often help solve the problem:
  • Reboot your computer and printers. Once you have shut down your computer, turn off your printers. When your computer and printers are all turned off, wait 30 seconds, and then start up your printers again, and then your computer. Restart RetailManager.
  • Defragment your hard disk. Click Start, go to Programs or All Programs, then Accessories, then System Tools, and select Disk Defragmenter. See Windows Help for more information.
  • Delete the files in your temp folder.
    1. Close all programs.
    2. Simultaneously press the Windows and E keys on your keyboard (the Windows key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys).
    3. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\temp and delete all the files in the temp folder.
  • Check your computer for viruses. To do this you will need a virus checker program. Check with your retailer.
  • Maintain your database. If you are having problems with your database, see the RetailManager user guide for more information about managing your database, and what options are available for fixing it (Australia | New Zealand).

Restart your computer again after the above measures. If they haven't been successful, you contact your MYOB RetailManager Professional or your IT specialist.

Common hardware solutions

  • Cannot use a point-of-sale hardware device such as a docket printer, bar code scanner, cash drawer, or pole display. Make sure that drivers for these hardware items are not installed-RetailManager works with these devices directly. If a driver is installed, it can interfere with the operation of the hardware when using RetailManager.
  • Cannot use all my serial devices at the same time. With some models of IBM-compatible PCs, there are two serial ports built in. These two ports have interrupt settings (IRQs) allocated to them. If you have added a serial card to provide additional serial ports, you must ensure that any additional ports each have a unique IRQ. Some (inexpensive) models of serial port cards do not use additional IRQs, and these models will not work properly with RetailManager and extra serial devices.

Restart your computer after the above measures. If they are not successful, you should contact your MYOB RetailManager Professional or RetailManager technical support.