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  • Work with previously uploaded files

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You can view the details of contribution files that have been uploaded to the super portal using the Historic contributions page. If you're looking for the status of payments submitted to super funds, use the payment reporting feature.

UI Expand
titleTo view contribution history
  1. Click the navigation button and select Contributions.
     Navigation button clicked revealing optionsImage Modified
  2. The page lists the contribution files that have been uploaded, who uploaded them and the number of employee contributions that were included in the file.

    UI Text Box

    If you’ve uploaded lots of files, you can use the filters at the top of the page to see just those of a particular status, for example ‘Failed’, or for a particular period. You won’t need to use the Employer filter unless there are multiple employers set up in your portal.

  3. The Status column shows the processing stage of the information submitted:


    Green tickImage Modified

    Ready for processingThe employer and employees in the contribution file have been matched with records in the super portal. There may still be some validation issues to address.

    yellow padlockImage Modified

    Saved and held
    The batch of contributions has been validated and saved (but not submitted). The details can't be edited, but you can review and submit the contribution file by clicking the grid icon Image Modified.

    right arrow above left arrowImage Modified

    Confirmed and sentThe contributions have been submitted successfully and will be (or have been) processed.

    Yellow cloud with exclamation markImage Modified

    Data matching exceptionThe employer or employees in the contribution file couldn't be matched with records already in the super portal. You need to fix these issues (see the steps below).

    red circle with exclamation markImage Modified

    Invalid formatA file was uploaded that couldn't be read. It may be a file that is saved in a format that isn't supported. The file you upload must be a comma-separated text file.
  4. If the Issues column shows there are problems with the information you've submitted:
    1. Click the grid icon in the Actions column.
    2. For each employee that's listed, click into the sections that indicate an error exists. 
    3. Click in the fields that have a red border to see a description of the issue with the information.
    4. Fix all the issues and then click Next
    5. In the Review step, fix any other issues that are identified (look for the alert icon ), and then click Next. 
    6. You can now save or submit the contributions. 
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titleRelated topics

Make superannuation payments

