Child pages
  • M-Powered Services - Cancellations (Australia only)

This information applies to MYOB AccountRight version 19. For later versions, see our help centre.




Cancellation of M-Powered Superannuation, M-Powered Payments, and M-Powered Bank Statements will take effect 5 business days after we receive your signed request. M-Powered Invoices will be cancelled 40 business days after we receive your signed request to ensure any outstanding invoices are finalised. The MYOB M-Powered Service Team will notify your financial institution of the cancellation on your behalf.

To cancel your M-Powered Services:

  1. Download the M-Powered Services Cancellation Request form.
  2. Fill out the form and save a copy.
  3. Email it to us at


Why have I received another monthly statement after my service was cancelled?

The M-Powered Services fees are paid in arrears. You will receive your final statement at the start of the month following the cancellation of your service(s).

Who can sign the M-Powered Service cancellation request?

M-Powered Services require a business owner/principle/director to sign the cancellation request.