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  • Error: "Cannot load "MAPI32.dll"" when emailing

This information applies to MYOB AccountRight version 19. For later versions, see our help centre.




The error "Cannot load "MAPI32.dll". Please install MAPI" means a required component (MAPI) is missing from your computer.


We've provided a MAPI Fixit Tool below to replace the missing component. Complete the following steps on the computer you send emails from:

  1. Close AccountRight.
  2. Right-click the following link and choose to save the file to your Desktop: MAPI Fixit Tool.
  3. Double-click the downloaded ZIP file to open it. You'll see it contains a single file called CheckMAPI.VBS
  4. Double-click the file CheckMAPI.VBS to open the tool.
    If this warning appears, click Yes, open this file.

    If prompted to run as Administrator, click Yes.
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to run the tool and fix your issue.

If you need to undo the changes made by this tool, double-click the file CheckMAPI.VBS to run the tool again. You'll then have the option to restore your original Windows settings.

If the error persists

If running the tool provided above doesn't fix the issue, it means something is preventing the tool from making the required change. This means you'll probably need help from an IT technician to manually create the required registry entry.

This info will assist the IT technician:

For IT technicians

The MAPI Fixit Tool provided above restores a default Windows Registry value. If the tool is unable to modify the registry directly, the registry key (String Value) can be created or updated manually.

For 32-bit versions of windows:

Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem
Registry Value Name: MAPI
Type: REG_SZ
Registry Value: 1

For 64-bit versions of windows:

Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem
Registry Value Name: MAPI
Type: REG_SZ
Registry Value: 1