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  • Error: "12007 Internet Name not resolved" when downloading data




BankLink Books, BankLink Practice 

Error 12007 may relate to your internet, proxy or firewall settings. To resolve this error, it is recommended to refresh your internet settings by following the instructions below.


To refresh your internet settings

Prior to reviewing and refreshing these settings ensure that you have internet access by trying to browse to any website in your web browser.

  1. Click Settings on the Download Data screen. If you use BankLink Books this is located under File > Preferences > Configure Internet Settings.
  2. Tick Use Advanced Internet Settings.
  3. At the Use Microsoft Windows Internet Settings checkbox, reverse the original setting, e.g. tick this selection if originally unticked or vise versa.
  4. Click the Firewall Settings tab. If you have firewall setting on your computer or network, please refer to your IT Consultant to ensure that the correct settings have been applied.
  5. Click OK and click Connect to download. If this error is not resolved, proceed to Step 6.
  6. Click the Settings button.
  7. Tick Use a Proxy Server and click Auto detect
  8. Click OK.

If the error still appears, please contact MYOB BankLink Support (Australia | New Zealand).